Yandere Sister x Male reader

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Thanks Piro66 Again

(Oh and again this is pre-written 1 month ago again. So bad grammar and the format again is different. Oh and this is again MHA theme i don't know what i was thinking a month ago)(sorry i had a writers block so i pulled out my pre-written stories)

(Y/N's sister is 3 years older than him)

Everyone thought that Izumi and Y/N are just like any other brothers and sisters. They love each other and care for each other. And with their Mom and Dad nothing can separate them.

Until their Mother filed for divorce, because she caught her husband with another woman. Y/N was still only 8 year old then. When the case was settled in court his Mom(Inko) got the house and full custody of Izumi while his father(hisashi) got The car and full custody of Y/N.

The brother and sister were now separated. When Inko and Izumi went back to their house Izumi instantly went to her room crying.

Inko felt bad and guilty for separating them both and Inko already knows that Izumi has romantic feelings for Y/N. Inko knew this was wrong so she agreed to handing Y/N to Hisashi even though she loved Y/N. But she believed she made the right decision.

Izumi's POV

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N, where are you Y/N? Where's Y/N i need him. Y/N needs me too. I want him, i need him, i must have him. Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! wait for me darling I'll comeback to you just wait for me My precious"

Author-sama's POV

The First Week of Izumi and Y/N's separation, Inko noticed a changed in her daughter. Like she was being possessed, She would always hear His son's name when walking by Izumi's room.

At the other side of the family tho when Y/N and Hisashi went to an apartment, Hisashi threw Y/N to the ground and beating him with his belt. "You worthless trash you waste of space you quirkless fucking bastard" his fire-breathing dad ridiculing him for being quirkless. This went on until his father's anger calmed down. The abuse went on for years his father always vent his anger on him.

(Sorry if this is disgusting im so so sorry)

One day the abused went to far he was 12 years old that time when, his father came home drunk and angry as always he punched and kicked Y/N. But while on the floor his father went on top of him, his father then took off both Y/N and His pants. And defiled him. Y/N was at the floor crying in pain and to what just happened he was defiled by his own father he couldn't move out of his bed till the next day.

Y/N then went out of the apartment for fresh air he was only a 12 years old but he already knows his ways through the city.

Izumi's side

Izumi (now 15) was with her friends they were at the mall they were celebrating cause they get to attend U.A High they were at a clothing store looking for something to wear. Izumi wasn't interested on the clothes so she was just staring outside the window. While staring at the outside the window she saw a familiar face. A face she could never forget. It was Y/N, her Eyes brightened and she smiled she was overjoyed to see him again. But that joy quickly went away when she saw Y/N with emotionless eyes and face. She didn't see the smile Y/N always had when he was a kid.

Then Y/N left. Izumi said her goodbyes to her friend and she quickly followed Y/N to his home she went atop of a tree branch to spy on them.

30 minutes later

Hisashi came back home drunk and angry again he did what he always do to Y/N and he defiled him again. He got up and went to bed leaving a broken and crying Y/N on the floor.

Izumi watched with pure hatred toward Hisashi. "This fucking bastard so this is what he was doing to my precious Y/N. He was abusing him all day you fucking bastard hurting my Love you must fucking die for you sins."

Y/N washed up and went to bed. The two guys were sleeping in their rooms when a *Creak* can be heard in Hisashi's door he woke up from the sound and he cleared his vision to see his daughter standing in front of him. "I-i-izumi is that you wow you've grown so what are you doing here?" Hisashi said.

"I'm here today to punish and kill a sinner and abuser to my precious Y/N." Izumi said "what are you saying I'm your father and Y/N is just a worthless quirkle-" before Hisashi could finish he was stabbed in each of his arm and foot he fell down with excruciating pain. "You hurt my Y/N and I'll kill you for that" Izumi said and proceed to use telekinesis to float a knife through his skull. "Now i can have Y/N all to myself now hahahahahaha" Izumi said while laughing in victory. But this was heard by Y/N who quickly got up to go to his father's room.

He saw someone laughing manically and also saw his father laying dead on the floor he screamed out of horror. And this was heard by Izumi who turned around and saw Y/N. She then smiled gleefully of the sight of Y/N "hello there my precious, Y/N" Izumi said while smiling. "No don't get any closer I don't know who you are!" Y/N yelled and he got up to his feet and quickly ran out of the door.

Izumi just stood there his own brother didn't recognize her sister, And he left her again. She then turned around and stomped the corpse of his former farther "You did this you made him forget his sister and you gave him
PTSD you fucking bastard this is all your fault you deserve to DIE." Izumi yelled at the corpse.

"Now you made my work harder" Izumi said to the corpse while leaving to search for Y/N.


I was running away from my home i just saw a Murderer there. I didn't know where to go so I searched for a police station I know I was a 12-years old boy and they probably won't believe me but i still have to try. But then I tripped on something and i looked behind me to see someone chasing me. I tried to get up but I felt a sharp pain from my right foot. I was scared and nervous on what's gonna happen next. I looked behind me again to see no one was there. I thought i was maybe hallucinating and i looked back forward and there i saw her standing before me. I tried crawling away but she put her knee in my back and i couldn't move anymore then she whispered "don't try to escape me my precious little brother" I was shocked when i heard her say brother. I know i had a sister but i didn't know she was this kind of girl. I tried to squirm out but the world faded to black.


Y/N was knocked out by a hand chop to his neck. Izumi then carried Y/N to her house and to the basement she laid him on the bed.

"Ughh my head hurt" Y/N groaned while waking up "ohh your up darling" Izumi said. "Why are you doing this i don't know who you are please let me go!" Y/N yelled "shhh baby your ok I'm not like your dad I'll protect you and not harm you ok. Oh and if you escape or didn't accept my love then that's toture" Izumi said. Y/N gulped from what she said. And followed all her orders

"Hahahaha where together now Izuku baby and we will never be separated again hahahah"

The end

(Sorry if the ending sucked)

(I think i might End this at part 40 because school is about to start. But I'll try to make it to 50 before school thx for reading)

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now