Yandere Mafia Boss x Male Reader

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You have an ordinary life you are working in a large bar as a bartender there. You made friends almost all of them well-known like celebrities and businessman/businesswoman. The pay was relatively large and you did good on your job.

Then one day while working a customer came up to you. It was a woman, she has a nice figure and beautiful white hair.

???: Hello there cutie, can i have a negroni please.

(Y/N): A negroni, that's quite a strong drink still want it?

???: A strong drink for a strong woman i say.

(Y/N): Haha, quite a nice quote you got there. Here *hands drink* this is only one time, it's on the house *smiles*

???: Well, Thanks for that. By the way the name's Samantha.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Samantha, My name is (Y/N).

You guys talked with each other and became fond of either's company. Few minutes later your shift was done and said your goodbye to Samantha and left the bar.

Samantha's mind: Y/N, i finally found you darling. I've been searching for you since you left me in middle school. I even had to create my own mafia to widen my search for you. And now your here and now I'll never let you go we'll be bound together forever. You'll be mine Y/N! Just you wait! Hahahahahha

After that Samantha took out her phone and called her members. She said to spy on Y/N and report back to her immediately.

After that day you began always feeling that someone was watching you but you can't see anyone. Your shift just ended and you went back home.

When you got home you announced that your home, you felt a pair of hands hug you from behind. You look behind you to see your wife is hugging you. You kissed her and kissed her belly. She was 7 month pregnant already.

Wife: so how's work honey?

(Y/N): Very tiring as usual.

Wife: Hehehe come take a seat i made dinner already.

(Y/N): Hey, you should take some rest your pregnant.

Wife: it's ok honey.

Outside the house

Spy: *calls Samantha* Hello? Boss? Yes I'm here. He's already home he also has a wife and soon to be born baby. Yes I'll continue to observe them ok understood.

At the otherside of the call. Samantha was clenching her fist while holding the phone almost breaking it. She was beyond furious about learning that Y/N has a wife.

Samantha: that fucking bitch! She's trying to steal My Y/N from Me! She's gonna regret doing this.

After that Samantha called her men and gave them the order to kill your wife.

2 hours later

You were sleeping with your wife when suddenly a loud bang and loud and fast footstep coming your way. You and your wife woke up from the loud noises. Then the door to your bedroom door burst opened. 4 guys went in while 2 guys wait on the door.

The four restrained you and your wife. Then out of the shadow Samantha came inside wearing her mafia clothes.

(Y/N): S-samantha w-what are you doing? What is this? Let her go she's pregnant!

Samantha: Pregnant i see.

After saying Samantha walked towards your wife. She then punched your wife's belly.

(Y/N): No! Stop.

You were gagged by the men holding you and pinned you down to the floor. Samantha proceeded beating your wife to death. You were just watching them with crying eyes while pleading her to stop the beating.

Few minutes later you see your wife laying in her pool of blood with lifeless eyes. You were just staring at her with dead eyes. Then your world blacked out.

Few hours later you woke up in a bed you got up and saw the large room. You felt something on your neck and checked it. It was a collar with the words "Samantha's Property" you just stood there because you know you can't escape.

Minutes later Samantha burst through the door she then looked at you with lustful eyes.

Samantha: oh Y/N how I've longed for this moment.

After that Samantha raped you while you just laid there like a lifeless corpse not having a care in the world. You were just a broken man in this broken world.

The end

Shorter than the last sorry and this is the only time i can publish two story. Because it's Saturday but tomorrow and onward my uploads will be inconsistent.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now