Yandere Cheating Mother x Male Reader

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(Your mom's name is Juliana here)

You were on your way home from school, It was a long day. When you got home you went inside you saw your dad crying on the couch while his hand is holding his phone that was playing a video.

You rush towards your dad and see if he's ok then you looked at the phone and the video recording.

You couldn't believe your eyes, it was your mother cheating with your father's boss.

You stopped the video and turned off the phone. You looked towards your dad and saw a broken man.

You clenched your fist in anger towards your mother. You swore to yourself and to your father that you will take care of him.

[ Your POV ]

I quickly packed both our bags and took both my dad and mom's savings. After that i called a cab and put my emotionless father inside.

Before i left the house i wrote a letter to that whore of a mother. Then we left to start a new life.

[ Juliana's POV ]

I was laying on the motel bed after i had s*x with brian (your father's boss) i had many emotion going through but the most powerful one was regret. Then brian spoke.

Brian: Hey Juliana you better get home now. You might not have any family to go home now.

I saw him holding his phone and saw that he messaged my husband and send a video of us having sex. I was shocked and my world began to crumble.

I quickly got dressed and immediately went out to go back home. Few minutes later i finally arrived i quickly opened the door. Then there was nothing there anymore, no sign of Y/N or his Father.

I broke down crying and i just collapsed there on the floor from exhaustion.

The next day i woke up for a second i thought it was only a dream but they were still gone.

I got up from the floor and walked towards the kitchen when i got there i saw a piece of paper. I opened it up and saw it was from my son.

Hello Mom or should i call you Juliana because i already disowned you as a mother. Your just a whore to me now, me and dad already left. You broke dad when he saw that disgusting video of yours. And i do hope both you and your partner get STD that's what you two deserve. Both of us are far away from you now. My friend's father already agreed in hiring me as a company employee. Even though I'm still 17 years old. I hate you Juliana i hate you with every ounce of my being. I hope you just drop dead.

I felt that the bottom of the letter was wet and had some tear marks on it indicating he was crying.

After i read the letter i cried and cried and cried all day long. Then i heard a notification go off my phone.

With every hope i had i thought it was my son but it turns out it was that ugly guy who broke me and my family apart.

I felt nothing but pure hatred towards this guy. Then something inside me just snapped.

Timeskip 1 year later

[ Your POV ]

My life had gone to shit after dad died. I wasn't myself anymore now here I am drinking my sorrows away.

I became an alcoholic a month after dad died and i didn't care about life anymore.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now