Yandere ex-girlfriend x Male reader x yandere ex-girlfriend's sister

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Your ex-girlfriend is the girl with black hair her sister is the white haired.

You were a High-schooler and in the baseball club and you're in a happy relationship with your girlfriend Ashley.

You thought this relationship would go on. But then suddenly she called you out to meet and she broke-up with you.

You were confused and didn't know why she broke-up with you. Then you found out that she was actually cheating on you when you guys where still in a relationship. She was secretly having s*ex with your coach in the baseball club.

After you found out you became depressed and you didn't went to school since then.

You were in your house laying on the coach watching television and doing nothing. Then suddenly your doorbell rang you were surprised that someone's here. You never got any visitors before so you were genuinely confused on who it was.

You slowly opened the door a little and poked your head out. You saw a beautiful girl with white hair with crimson red eyes.

(Y/N): Hello who might you be?

???: Uhm-uh hello there Y/N I'm Kath from school I'm just wandering why your not coming to school anymore?

(Y/N): Yeah i just don't feel like anymore.

Kath: Look i just want to see what's happening with you ok. Can i come in so we can talk?

Y/N nodded and opened the door and let Kath into his house. Kath sat down on the couch while Y/N made tea.

While Y/N was making tea Kath observed the state of Y/N's house and it was awful. It was littered by trash everywhere and food plates unmoved in the living room.

After a few minutes Y/N came back with the teas.

(Y/N): Sorry about the state of my house I'm just going through something.

Kath: Yeah how can you live like these. What happened to you Y/N.

(Y/N): Nothing. Just had some downs in my life.

Kath: No it's not just nothing. Come here lets talk about it I'll help you with it.

After Kath said that you sat beside her and talk about what happened. How your girlfriend broke-up with you and how you found out she was actually cheating on you. While saying that you were crying rivers of tears while kath was hugging you. After telling your story you fell asleep and Kath put you in her lap. Actually Kath always had a crush on you since first-year. (their second-year now) and Kath backed away when she found out you were dating. But kath didn't know that you were actually dating her sister.

Kath's mind: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Y/N is sleeping on my lap this is a dream come true. I fell sorry for Y/N he's so heartbroken. Don't worry Y/N I'll fill the hole that slut of a girlfriend left on you. Y/N i love you.

After that day Kath would come to your house to hang out and overtime you started to have feelings for her and one day.

(Y/N): Kath! You were there in my lowest point of life and i thank you for that. And lately I can't stop this feeling inside. You made me feel love again. So Kath would you like to go out with me.

Kath: *gasp* oh my God of course I'll go out with you. I always had a crush on you Y/N when we were first years.

After that the two of you would date each other.

Next day

???: You seem to be overjoyed today what happened?

Kath: It's nothing Sis.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now