Yandere Female Izuku Midoriya x Male Reader

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You were just like any other kid in your neighborhood. You always wanted to be a hero and 12 years later after getting your quirk here you are. You're at the gates of the most prestigious hero schools out there U.A.

(A/N: Your quirk is called Dark Manipulation it allows the user to create and control darkness at will, making the user a Darkness Human.
"Anyone know where i got the power from it's from an anime not Mha tho")

This was a dream come true not only that but you were put in Class-1A. You were about to enter the building when you saw a greenette about to fall. You used your quirk and made a dark hand to pull him up. You walked toward her to see if she was ok.

(Y/N): Hello there are you alright? If you didn't mind i used my quirk on you.

???: Y-y-yeah i-i-i'm a-a-a-alright.

(Y/N): 'wow this girl is a stuttering mess' Good your ok oh yeah the name's Y/N and You?

???: U-u-uh m-m-my n-name is I-i-izumi Midoriya.

(Y/N): Hello there Midoriya. Wait! Hey come on we're gonna be late!

You just got to your classroom just before the bell rang and to your surprise Midoriya was in your class. You greeted the greenette and sat next to her. The day went on and me and Izumi became friends that day.

Midoriya's POV

Y/N is so cute and handsome. I want him so much. Wait! What if some bitch of girl made a move on him. I need to keep an eye ony precious Y/N before someone steal him from me. And if that happened then I'll just kill them *smirks*. Few days later i started observing him (more like stalk him). After U.A built the dorms and we moved there i started breaking into my Precious Y/N's room. I started taking his clothes and going back to my door to Sniff and musterbate on them.

Few days later i was planning on confessing my feelings toward Y/N today after school. I already invited him behind our Dorm building and i already planned on what to say to him now i just have to wait.

Few hours later the bell finally rang and i immediately left the classroom and went to the meeting place. I waited for 5 minutes or so and Y/N finally came.

(Y/N): Hello there Izumi! So what do you want to talk about?

"Well Y/N i wanted to say that i like you No actually i love you Y/N would you want to got out with me!"

I finally did it i finally confessed to him. Oh God i think i might faint right here.

(Y/N): I'm sorry Izumi but I'm already in a relationship.

The world around me began to crumble while Y/N walked away. I yelled at him to get his attention.

"Y/N! Can i ask who the lucky girl is?"

Who is it, is it Ochawhore, Big bust Momo, Ugly frog, Mina slut, or is it Jirou. I don't care who it is their gonna die now.

(Y/N): Actually it's Nejire-senpai.

Then he left. Only thing i had was killer intent towards Nejire Hado.

3rd Person POV

All of Class-1A are on the common room playing and hanging around. The only two who aren't present is you and Izumi. While the class was in the common room they suddenly heard loud crashing and banging. They immediately went to the source and it was your room. They opened it to see Nejire lying there on the floor dead. And they also saw the whole room destroyed and You were missing.

Everyone was there Izumi as well iida immediately run towards the faculty to report what happened. Then the teacher went there to investigate. All the students and teachers were too shock that they didn't saw Izumi catching her breath and limping. Their teacher Aizawa hold on to a paper with rage inside him. The letter read.

Hello everyone I'm sorry but I'll be taking my beloved Y/N with me. I'm sorry for the ones that believed in him on being a hero. I'm announcing that Y/N won't be a hero anymore. But he will become a good Husband to me and a good father to our future children.

Good bye sincerely
Y/N's Honey, Lover and soon to be wife

Few hours later you regained consciousness and woke up to an unfamiliar room. You began to panic when your memories came back to you.

You remembered Izumi attacking you and nejire while asleep. Then the door creaked opened and light flash through the dark room. A silhouette showing in the center of the light. The silhouette walked up to you and it showed Izumi with revealing clothes.

You tried speaking but you were gagged then she crept closer to you until she was infront of you. She began kissing you wildly for 5 minutes until she parted for air.

Izumi: This is it we're finally together Y./.N.

After that she raped you again and again until you finally broke and just like the letter promised. You became her Husband and you're gonna be a father soon. As Izumi carries your baby inside her.

The end

(Third publish i fucking need sleep bruh(

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now