Yandere Popular girl x Male Reader

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Your a loner attending XX high school. You didn't want to socialize with anyone because your a big introvert with many insecurities (me right now ngl).

Like any other day it was lunch break and i was eating alone behind a school building.

While minding my own business and eating i saw a shadow formed over me. I looked up and saw my popular classmate Kc.

At first i was confused but then i saw two girls hiding behind the building with their phone out.

(Y/N): Oh hello Kc do you need something?

Kc: Y-yeah uhm Y/N? Would you like to hangout this Saturday.

When she said that i knew it was either a prank or she loss a bet. Then a plan formed in my head.

(Y/N): Yeah sure, do you know a place?

Kc: *tch* Well how about at the park and we could grab some coffee and watch a movie.

(Y/N): yeah that sounds good, how about 9 AM

Kc: Sure, well I'll take my leave now.

(Y/N): Yeah sure goodbye.

Then she left and you continued eating your food with a smirk on your face.


Saturday came and you were sitting on a bench waiting for Kc to come. Few minutes later you saw her walking towards you.

Kc: Y/N glad you came, did you wait long?

(Y/N): Yeah no i just got here.

After greetings each other you two proceeded going to the cinema to watch F/M (favorite movie).

You two had so much fun watching that. After the cinemas you two went for a cup of coffee at a nearby cafe. While you two were drinking she asked you something.

Kc: Hey Y/N that was so much fun.

(Y/N): Yeah, that was the funnest moment i had since childhood.

Kc: Childhood? What do you mean?

(Y/N): Well... I was still a child back then my father died so me and my mother had a hard time. I didn't really got any fun back then, and two years ago my mom died and i was bullied. That's why i didn't socialize with anyone.

Kc: You had it terrible Y/N.

Kc then got up and hugged you.

Kc's Mind: What am i doing, he doesn't mean anything to me. So why, why does my heart feel this way. It was just a bet i loss, So why am i falling for him.

Then you stood up and you pushed Kc away from the hug.

(Y/N): Can you stop Kc. I know that you didn't really wanted to hangout right? You just loss a bet.

Kc: 'he knew' uhm Y/N what are you saying.

(Y/N): You know what I'm saying. For a moment there i thought i finally found happiness but it was just a lie. This is why i hate socializing with anyone.

After saying that you left the cafe with tears threatening to fall out. But back in the cafe Kc sat down and started to cry.

Kc's Mind: what have i done.

Then something snapped inside Kc's mind.

Kc: Don't worry Y/N I'll bring you happiness forever just you wait.

Back to you, while you were walking down the street someone tap your shoulder.

???: Hello there cutie, why so sad i can cheer you up.

She then took your arm and dragged you towards an alleyway and pinned you to a wall.

(Y/N): P-please d-d-don't.

She was about to kiss you when she fell down. Then a figure emerged from the shadows. It was none other than Kc.

Kc: What the fuck *stomps on the girl* are you *stomp* doing *stomp* with my *Stomp* Y/N. *Stomp*

She stomped on the girl so hard that she died instantly and blood and bits of brains were scattered everywhere.

You became terrified of the scene you tried running but your legs were paralyzed from shock. Kc then saw you and composed herself.

Kc: Y/N are you Ok, good thing i got on time right. *Steps forward towards you*

(Y/N): No! Don't come any closer. You killed her.

Kc: Why she tried raping you. So she had to die, I'm the only one for you Y/N.

You kept backing away but then you hit the wall. Then she walked towards you and pinned you to the wall.

Kc: Why are you running from me darling?

You then pushed her away and you tried running away but she grabbed you leg and you fell hitting you temple and you blacked out.

Kc saw the opportunity and took you and brought you to her house where she chained you up.

The next day you were reported missing by none other than Kc. After she reported that she went back home to see her beloved Y/N.

We can see, you were tied up on a bedpost butt-naked. The night before she raped you and beat you up when you didn't obey her.

Kc: So Y/N do you accept me now?

(Y/N): Yes! Just don't hurt me anymore please.

Kc: You wouldn't get hurt if you obey me got it darling.

You nodded.

3 years later

You and Kc got married and had a child. After a while you just accepted your fate with her and lived happily with you Daughter and your yandere wife.

The end

1 more and it's finished

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now