Yandere Ex-Wife x Male Reader (Ch. 1)

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(A/N:: so guys this will be a two chapter story so the first chapter won't have the yandere scene in it. It's just like a prologue ok)

You were an assistant manager in a large company. And you already have a wife her name is Emily. You and Emily started dating when you two where in college. And after graduation you proposed to her and she said yes. You two are already married for 2 years now and you feel like it's time to have a child.

Your Pov

I think it's time we have children now that it's our 2nd-year anniversary. I already filed for a day-off so i can spend time with my wife. Hmm what should i get her i think Flowers should do. I got in my car and drove to a nearby flower shop and started looking for Emily's favorite flower. After i searched the store i finally saw the flowers Marigold flowers were Emily's favorite. I then payed for a bouquet and went to my car.

Emily didn't know that i had the day-off I didn't tell her so i could surprise her. When i got home i saw a familiar car it was my boss's car. I panicked because i thought my boss might be looking for me and i made him wait.

I quickly got out of my car and dashed towards the door. When I opened it i heard a faint sound i followed the sound whilst it grew louder. Halfway there i realized it was moaning i dashed towards the bedroom and heard the moaning and talking.

Boss: Hey our sex-relationship has already been a year now. Why not Divorce your Loser of a husband and come with me.

Emily: *moan* Just wait a little more i just couldn't find the timing yet.

Boss: Yeah yeah but how do you feel about him.

Emily: That loser! I didn't even know how i fell for him he has such a tiny dick too hahahah.

After what i heard i felt tears running down my cheeks. I then had enough listening and burst the door open.

3rd Person

You burst through the door and Both Emily and Your Boss named Jerry was shocked to see you. But they then look at each other and smirked and looked back at you.

Emily: So the loser finally found out. No point in hiding it anymore Y/N i want a divorce.

(Boss) Jerry: Hahaha she wants to divorce you cause you cant please her.

You didn't say anything and dropped the Bouquet and run out of the house and into the streets. You then went to an alley where you cried your eyes out.

When you stopped crying you contacted one of your best friend and told him you'll be coming over. You then droved to your Friend's house and went inside. You then told your best friend what happened.

(Friend) Mark: Hey don't worry man you'll get over her soon. She doesn't deserve your kindness man. Just tell me when you need something ok.

(Y/N): Thanks Mark, and thanks for being my friend :)

Mark: That the smile i wanted to see. Don't worry man I'll be your best friend until the end of time.

(Y/N): :) Thanks.

The next day you send Emily the signed Divorce paper which she happily signed too. After a week of staying in your best friends house. You went to your parents house where you stayed there. And started a new life.

Timeskip 6 Months later

After 6 Months your Parents died from sickness and you inherited their house. Your life was stable you where still working and your an assistant manager again but in a different company. You had the day-off so you decide to stroll while on a walk you walked by a flower shop. You went inside and bought a bouquet of different kinds of flowers mixed together. You were done with your stroll and wad about to go home when suddenly you bumped into someone.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now