Yandere Shinobu Kocho x Male Reader

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You are a demon slayer and you use flame breathing you're the apprentice of Rengoku the flame hashira. And you also accompany Tanjiro and his friends in their adventures.

The five of you were staying at the Butterfly Mansion. While on your stay you've developed a crush on the Butterfly Hashira Shinobu Kocho.

It was your last day staying at the Butterfly Mansion before your friend are ready to battle. You couldn't contain your feelings gor her anymore. So you planned on confessing to her before you depart.

You walked throughout the mansion looking for her. And there you saw her just about to enter her office. You called out to her and she turned her attention to you.

(Y/N): Hello there Shinobu-san do you have a minute? I need to talk to you.

Shinobu: I don't have anything to do right now so yeah. What do you need to talk to me?

(Y/N): *Nervous* Uhm S-shinobu I-i- i like you, will you go out with me!?

Shinobu: I'm sorry Y/N but I can't reciprocate your feelings. And i already like someone else I'm sorry again.

(Y/N): *Holds your tears in* Oh is see I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll get going now before the others depart goodbye.

You then walked away towards the medical room and cried on the bed. Then suddenly the door opened and the person saw you crying.

???: Y/N? Are you Ok? Why are you crying?

You already who voice is that and you turned around to face the person.

(Y/N): I'm fine, *sniff* You Don't have to worry about me Mitsuri-san

Mitsuri: Come on your crying your not fine, Come on you can tell me Y/N-kun.

You then told her about how you just got rejected. She hugged you and comforted you. For the first time in your life you felt Safe, Warm and Loved.

(A/N: Your Backstory is tragic but i can't think of any so let's just say it's tragic)

After that you said your goodbye to her and left with tanjiro and the others. The five of you guys then went to the train station to meet up with Rengoku.

Then while you guys were talking to Rengoku a demon attacked the train. You guys fought valiantly and won but suddenly an Upper Demon showed up. Upper demon 3 Akaza. Rengoku took charge and fought akaza it was a close battle but Rengoku loss with a hole in his stomach. (A/N: Was it the stomach? And Can i ask did any of you cried in this scene because i did.)

After the incident you became depressed because of the loss of your master. But there she was your shining light Mitsuri. She was the One that pulled you out of the depths of depression. After weeks pass by the two of you began dating. But then it started you began to become paranoid you could swear that you feel someone watching you.

Few days ago
Shinobu's POV

I feel sorry for Y/N they said that he has severe depression. Maybe i should visit him and comfort him. Just then i saw Giyu. I called out to him and confess to him.

Giyu: Hello there Shinobu.

Shinobu: Hello. Say can i have a minute of your time?

Giyu: Yeah sure.

Shinobu: Uhm Giyu I've been meaning to say this for a long time. But do you want to go out with me.

Giyu: Oh I'm sorry Shinobu but I'm already in a relationship.

After i said that my world crumble. And then i realized that this must have what Y/N experienced when I rejected him. Wait Y/N yeah maybe we can be together I mean he is Cute and kind. Ok all i need is to comfort him in his depression and hang out together. And see where it goes.

I was about to go to Y/N's room but then i heard some talking. I slightly opened the door and peeked in i saw Mitsuri hugging Y/N and comforting him. The only thing that i felt was Rage building inside of me I then left. After that day i heard that My Y/N was dating Mitsuri.

Dammit! dammit! dammit! That fucking Love hashira bitch! I bet she used a love potion to seduce my precious Y/N. Yeah that's it, that bitch is corrupting my precious. You'll reget doing that bitch hashira.

Your POV

I was walking down the streets with tanjiro and the other. Then suddenly tanjiro smelled blood throughout the alleyways. The five of us quickly went to the source following tanjiro. Then i saw it. The mutilated body of my girlfriend Mitsuri. I dropped to my knees and cried. While i was crying i felt a presence behind me. Before i can look behind me i blacked out and collapsed on the ground.

Tanjiro's POV

I looked horrified at the sight of Mitsuri-san's mutilated body. Then i felt a presence behind me then i looked behind me and saw Y/N's collapsed body and. Shinobu-san!?

3rd Person POV

Tanjiro: Shinobu-san! What are you doing!?

Shinobu: What. I'm just removing the virus from Y/N and here to take Y/N with me.

Tanjiro: you think we're gonna let you do that Y/N is our friend!

Inosuke: Yeah! And i was always wanted to fight a hashira.

Zenitsu: W-why are you doing this Shinobu-san.

Nezuko: Grrrr. (Just felt right to add nezuko)

Shinobu: Sorry but i already got what i want.

Shinobu suddenly disappeared with Y/N and never to be seen after.

Few hours later you woke up. You tried getting up but chains restricted you from doing so. Then the door opened and revealed shinobu with revealing clothes.

(Y/N): W-what are you doing shinobu-san. Let me go! I need to go to Mitsuri-san.

Shinobu: That bitch! Don't worry Y/N you're not going anywhere i already killed her.

(Y/N): You did that! You killed her! You psycho.

Shinobu: What are saying Y/N. I killed her for us. She took you from me right. You loved me you confessed to me.

(Y/N): What are you saying let me go!

Shinobu: I see. So Mitsuri is still corrupting you even when she's dead. Don't worry I'll break you so that you'll comeback to me.

After that Shinobu Raped you Non-stop day by day and One week later you finally broke your mind. Few years later You and Shinobu married and had two childs.

The end~

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now