Yandere Cheating Witch Girlfriend x Dead Male Reader

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You live in a world where Magic and Monsters exists. You have a pretty decent life you have a good-paying job and a lovely girlfriend. She as everything to you, you two met at an forest 2 years ago she saved you from a pack of wolves. She was beautiful strong and the best thing is she's a witch. Yes she knows high-grade magics. She was Gabriel

But then tragedy struck. You were working when all of a sudden your boss called you in.

Boss: Hello good to see you Mr. L/N

(Y/N): Same here boss, so what do you want from me sir?

Boss: well Y/N you've been around here for a long time now. And you are very consistent with your works, but i regret to say that... The company is going bankrupt and were releasing you. So this is goodbye Mr. L/N.

(Y/N): Oh i see well thank you for being there for me in those years your the best boss ever. I hope you have a good life, Goodbye.

After that you left the company you went back home to break the news to Gabriel. You were in your front door and you went inside your house. But then moaning and creaking sounds penetrated your ears. You quickly went up to your bedroom and the sounds got louder. You were wishing to god that it wasn't what you were thinking.

You then got infront of the door room and opened it. You worst Nightmare came true it was your girlfriend fucking another man. By the looks of her face she was loving it. She didn't notice you until *thud* the two looked at your direction they saw you crying there.

Gabriel pushed the guy with wind magic off her.

Gabriel: Y/N! This isn't what you think.

You didn't listen to her and you run away. She used magic to put her clothes back on and chased after you.

You were blindly running away you didn't notice that you went to the same forest that you met Gabriel. You were running away from her voice yelling at you to comeback.

[ Gabriel's POV ]

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I'm so fucking dumb! How could i do this to Y/N i betrayed him.' i thought as i chased after him. I noticed he went to the same forest we first met, memories flood all over my mind. While i was running after him, suddenly a bunch of monster ambushed me. It caught me off guard and i stumbled back i tried casting a spell but they attacked me and its to late. An ogre swung it's club at me i can't dodge it. 'i guess this is how i die i didn't even get to say sorry to Y/N' i thought to myself. But then i was pushed, i opened my eyes and saw Y/N pushed me then in a blink of an eye he was gone. He got hit by the ogre and was thrown to a nearby tree.

I looked towards him and saw that his life force was dissipating from him. I felt nothing but rage then something snapped inside me.

I began conjuring up the most deadly spell i have. And all the monster there exploded into atoms. I then looked back at Y/N and saw blood running down his mouth. I quickly rushed towards him.

[ 3rd Person POV ]

You had internal bleeding and blood came out of your mouth. Then you saw Gabriel running towards you, then she stopped and laid you into her arms.

Gabriel: No! Y/N please don't go!

(Y/N): guess this is the end of me Gab.

Gabriel: No it isn't, wait I'll use healing magic.

Gabriel hovered her hands over you but you slapped it away.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now