Yandere Shouko Komi x Loner Male reader

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(Y/N) is a loner in school he has no social skills and only has one friend. That is Hitohito Tadano he was his guy who didn't treat him a loser and they always hangout. Until Tadano met Shouko Komi. Tadano then started to grow distant to him.

He was back to being alone again, and it always hurts him. Then one day a day that he didn't expect for a million years. He was talked to by the most popular girl in school Shouko Komi. This started when he was coming to school and found a note in my drawer saying someone wants to meet me in the rooftops. He went there in lunch because that's where he always eat.

When he reach the top he saw komi-san there but he just shrugged it off because he thought she's meeting a different person. But when he opened the door she looked at him and approached me. He was panicking because he was gonna talk to the most popular girl in school.

Komi-san was infront of him when she brought out a notebook to write something. It read

Komi wrote: Hello Y/N i wanted to talk to you about something

Komi was visibly shaking and couldn't stop.

(Y/N): Y-yeah w-what d-do you want to t-talk about?

Komi mustered up the courage to speak and said.

Komi: Will... You... Be... My Boyfriend.

Y/N was incredibly shock that he got asked out by the most popular girl in school.

(Y/N) W-what w-why Me I'm just a loner and a Nobody.

Komi wrote: I always see you in class and Tadano sometimes talks about you. And I don't know what this feeling is but it happened when i first saw you.

(Y/N): I see but I'm Sorry Komi-san but i can't reciprocate your love. Your the most popular and beautiful girl in school, While I'm just a loner nobody. What will the school say your reputation will be ruined. And I'm sorry but i already had a crush on najimi osana.

Komi-san was Angry that she just got rejected and something snapped inside her. Her Kind and gentle demeanor changed. And she can communicate well now.

Y/N was about to leave when he heard Laughing behind him he turned around to see Komi-san approaching him.

(Y/N): Komi-san?

Komi: You think that was an request! That was an order! I order you to be my boyfriend!

Y/N Didn't know what was happening so he ran back to the classroom.

Komi's mind: Ohh Y/N i know you didn't mean to reject me you were just corrupted by that whore. Najimi don't worry my love I'll save you.

Komi-san put on a Facade and went back to class. She saw Y/N in his desk still shaking Komi would constantly look at him from time to time.

After School

Komi wrote: hey Najimi can we walk home together I want to talk to you about something.

Najimi: Sure Komi-san

They both walked home together then Komi-san told Najimi that She wants to meet up after they got home. Najimi waited at Komi's house for her to get ready. Komi stepped out of the house and greeted Najimi. They walked together toward a secluded place.

Najimi: Hey Komi-san Where are we? I can't see anyone here.

Komi: A dead woman doesn't need to know where she'll be dying.

Najimi was confused and turned around to see Komi-san holding a Knife.

Najimi: W-what are you doing Komi-san?!

Komi: I'm just removing a virus who's corrupting My dearest.

Najimi: Hey Komi-san let's talk about this you don't wa-

Before she could finish she was stabbed by a knife through her gut. She collapsed on the ground and died of blood loss.

Komi: Now to Claim what's MINE hahahahahahahaha.

The next day Y/N sat in his seat and opened his drawer to see another letter. It was from Komi-san telling him to go to the back of the school. He hesitantly went to the location in lunch break.

Komi was already there waiting and she has a box beside her. Y/N hesitantly walked to her

Komi: Ohh Your here Hello Darling i did it i removed her from you. Now come here and give your future wife a hug.

(Y/N): W-what the heck are you talking about removed her and you my future wife.

Komi pointed at the Box and Y/N opened it to see. The mutilated body of Najimi Osana inside the box. Y/N was startled and was on his butt when he saw that. He Quickly Backed away from Komi

Komi: where are you going darling Don't you like my present?

(Y/N): You Psycho. You psycho! You killed her.

Komi: She was intervening with our love so she had to go you get it right Y/N

Y/N was about to runaway when he was Punched in the gut by Komi-san and you blacked out.

Komi: I'm sorry darling but you chose this path. You tried running away from me and I won't tolerate that.

Y/N woke Up with a sharp pain in his gut. He didn't know where he is. And he was bounded to a bed and he was naked.

Komi: Ohh good your awake darling.

(Y/N): Komi-san! Please let me go.

Komi: Call me shouko Y/N and I won't do that my love. Now! Accept my Love for you Y/N.

(Y/N): What i will never Love a psychopath killer like you.

Shouko: Then I'll make you love me then!

Shouko removed her clothes and went to Y/N komi raped Y/N All Night and left him there in the basement. She repeated this until Y/N is broken and when she got Pregnant.

Now where together forever Y/N and no one's gonna take you away from me.

The end.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now