Yandere Chifuyu Orimura x Male Reader

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Y/N was chosen to be a IS pilot. Y/N was shocked and Happy because in his Knowledge only Female can operate an IS. But incidentally he can too he was then given a personal IS. And he was Invited to the IS Academy which he gladly accepted.

First day of School

Y/N was sweating because all most every girl was staring at him and his childhood friend Ichika Orimura.

Y/N and Ichika has been friends since they were 8 years old and Ichika would always went to stay with Y/N. Because his sister chifuyu isn't with him. Then Ichika Moved to another town and school when he was 12 separating them.

When they saw each other in the entrance they were shocked and surprised to see each other.

Ichika: What! Y/N? Bro how's it been i haven't seen you for 3 or 4 years now.

(Y/N): Wait Ichika? Yeah I've been good how about you?

Ichika: I've been good too. Wait why are you here though?

(Y/N): I'm here to attend this school i somehow managed to pilot an IS.

Ichika: What no way that's the same reason I'm here too we both can pilot IS that's so cool bro.

(Y/N): Wait you can pilot a IS too that's so cool.

Ichika: Hey would you look at the time let's go we're gonna be late at our first day in school.

They went to their classroom and to their surprise they were put in the same class too. They took they're seat beside one another.

(Y/N): Hey Ichika aren't you becoming uncomfortable by the staring of girls?

Ichika: Yeah it's my first time in becoming the center of attention I'm so nervous.

???: Hello everyone my name is Maya Yamada I'm an assistant teacher here. And I'd like to know you guys so introduction please. Uhm lets start with the boys.

Ichika: Uhm My name is Ichika Orimura Nice to meet you all... That's all!

Maya: Uhh Ok next is?

(Y/N): U-uhm M-my name is Y-Y/N it's a pleasure meeting you all... That's all!

Maya: Ok now for the girls.

Ichika whisper: Nerves got to you too?

(Y/N): yep

Then suddenly the door burst open and a woman in black came in.

???: Hello there students I'm Chifuyu Orimura your teacher.

Ichika: Nee-san?

Chifuyu: That's Ms. Orimura for you.

(Y/N): Oh hello again Chifuyu-nee.

Chifuyu: Y-Y/N? Oh uh uhm i didn't know you'd be attending this academy. Wait your can pilot a IS too.

(Y/N): Yeah it just kinda happened.

Chifuyu's Mind: Oh my god My darling is here oh no why is he here. No i can't let this happen he'll get the attention of most girls in the academy. I need to protect him No! I must protect him. No girl is gonna take my Love away from me.

Chifuyu: ok then how about we get class started.

After A week some of the girls began flirting with you and Ichika. This sight enraged Chifuyu.

Chifuyu's Mind: What are those bitches doing to my Y/N. Their flirting with him I can't let this slide. Y/N is mine and only mine.

Chifuyu was mentally cursing the girls for flirting with Y/N. But then she got an idea and hastily prepared it.

The next day in the classroom. It was just like any other lecture and discussion. But then Chifuyu set his plan into motion.

She had a hidden remote hidden in her pants. She pressed it and suddenly a large amount nitrous oxide gas came out of the vents and into the classroom. The class didn't had time to react and one by one they fell asleep. Chifuyu faked being asleep so that she wouldn't be blamed.

5 minutes later Chifuyu got up and saw all the class sleeping. She then proceeded to walk toward Y/N and carried him away undetected. She put Y/N to a hidden room where she was the only who knows of it. Chifuyu went back to class and one by one all the students started waking up.

Houki: What the heck happened?

Chifuyu: Is everybody ok. I think it was a terrorist attack.

Ichika: Wait! Y/N's missing!

All of them gasped.

Cecilia: so Y/N was there target.

After the incident school was stopped for the time being.

That night

(Y/N): What the heck happened? Where am i?

Chifuyu: Oh my precious Y/N your finally awake I've been waiting for you.

Y/N looked at Chifuyu and saw that he was naked. He quickly looked away. Then he remembered everything and started to piece everything in.

(Y/N): C-chifuyu-nee you kidnapped me.

Chifuyu: It's the only thing i can do. Those filthy bitches were gonna take you away from me!

(Y/N): B-But why!?

Chifuyu: Why? Because i love you that's why!

(Y/N): Let me go! You can't force someone to love you.

Chifuyu: Yes i can!

Chifuyu then walked toward Y/N and kissed him violently. After that he then raped Y/N everyday. And would torture him if he disobey or tries to escape. This went on for several months until Y/N finally broke. They then had two lovely children and Y/N was released from his restraints. And they all lived happily together forever.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now