Yandere Rich Girl x Male Reader

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You were going to your school cycling on your regular route. Then you stopped on an intersection because there was a red light.

Then a limo stopped next to you. The window at the back of the limo Opened slightly and a piece of plastic trash was thrown out and the window closed.

You got off your bike and picked up the trash. You knocked on the tinted window of the limo asking to open up. The window opened and revealed a girl, a rich girl.

???: Yes? What do you want peasant.

(Y/N): Oi no matter how rich or spoiled you are you can't just throw out trash whenever you feel like it. And another thing you can't just go on calling random strangers, peasant because of your status.

After you said that you threw the trash back in the limo and went back to your bike and cycled away.

Back at the limo the said rich girl was speechless from what you just said to her. And her heart began to beat faster.

Few minutes later you got to your school. When you locked you bike you just then realized what you've just done.

You began panicking and getting scared. You don't know what that rich girl just might do to you or your family.

While panicking you felt a tap on your shoulder and you sprang up by surprise. You turned around to see it was your best-friend Mark.

Mark: You ok Y/N?

(Y/N): Yeah I'm ok let's go before we're late.

While walking to your classroom.

Mark: Hey Y/N have you heard? There's a new transfer student and she's quite beautiful they said. And coincidentally she's gonna be on our class.

(Y/N): *sweatdropped* yeah sure can't wait.

Few minutes later you got to your classroom and class started.

Teacher: So everyone take your seat and we have a new transfer student joining us today. You can come in now.

You didn't payed attention and you just looked down still panicking. Then the new student came in.

???: Hello there everyone my name is Emelia Wright.

Student1 Whisper: wait Wright isn't that the rich family?

Student2: yeah the one the owns large companies.

Student4: Oh jeez she's a rich girl.

Student7: She might be spoiled.

Teacher: Hello there Emelia you can seat next to him *points at you*

Emelia walked towards you.

Emelia: Hello there nice to meet you.

Just then you looked up and there you saw her your worst Nightmare. The girl from the limo.

(Y/N): H-hello t-there.

She then sat next to you.

Emelia: no need to be tense around me what's your name.

(Y/N): Y-Y/N.

Emelia: Y/N nice to meet you again.

She then took her seat and the teacher proceeded the class. While the teacher was writing something on the board Emelia slipped something on your table. You began to nervously sweat when you saw what she slipped in. It was the trash that you threw at her and there was something written on it. It reads.

Hello there dear Y/N i want you to meet me at the rooftop after class. And if decline well i just have to involve your family in your affairs. Do you want that? If you don't i advise you to come.

Signed Emelia

Your world began to crumble and you had no choice but to come.

After school

You nervously went up the stairs towards the rooftop. You opened the rooftop door and there she was. She was staring at you with a smirk. You slowly walked towards her.

Emelia: So you really did came my precious Y/N.

(Y/N): What do you want from me Emelia.

Emelia: What i want? Well what i want is you. Goodnight.

After she finished her sentence you got a sharp pain on you shoulder. You looked at it and saw a tranquilizer needle hit you. Your vision began to blur and you body is getting limp then you went unconscious. Last thing you saw was Emelia with a gleeful smirk plastered on her face.

Few hours later you woke up. You saw that you were tied by chains and sitting at a chair. When you adjusted your eyes you see three more guys with you. You recognized them those were your bullies.

Bully1: W-what the fuck happened.

Bully3: Where the fuck are we.

Bully2: Oi why is Y/N here.

Bully1: This is Y/N's fault.

Bully2: Yeah probably he's fault for involving us.

Just then the door creaked opened. Then Emelia slowly walked in with a maniacal smirk. Then the light Opened there you saw many scary tools hanging on the wall.

You began to sweat heavily. She then walked towards a chainsaw and picked it up.

Emelia: So this are you bullies Y/N, don't worry they won't be bothering you anymore.

She then started the engine of the chainsaw. She walked towards one of the bully and sliced off his legs and arms. The bully died from shock, the next one Emelia simply removed his head from his body. The last one, the leader had a slow and painful death. Now there were guards there to clean-up the mess she made.

She then went up to you and removed your gag. You tried speaking but words won't come out. You were afraid if you speak something might happen to you.

Emelia: So Y/N, you probably asking why your here am i right? Well your here today to attend my wedding, oops sorry i mean our wedding.

After saying that a guy in a suit went inside the room and handed Emelia the marriage papers. The guy in the suit then went behind you and broke your restraints.

Emelia: So Y/N sign this papers and you'll be my husband forever.

(Y/N): W-what if i refuse?

Emelia: Well think about your family, what about their life. And your poor little sister, do you wanna know what'll happen to them if you refuse?

(Y/N): No! Don't drag them to this!

Emelia: Then sign the papers! And if you sign and marry me you're family will be taken care off. I'll help them achieve a good life you want that right Y/N.

You were hesitant but you thought about your family. You finally signed the papers and now your married to Emelia. After signing the papers Emelia was the so happy and went towards you and kissed you. She then dragged you to her room and you two had s*x. She did what she promised and your family had a good life, while you're with your daughter.

The end

Bro this endings are just repeating themselves. I'm sorry for that I can't think of any endings.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now