I'm back

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Ok guys before i say why I'm coming back i wanted to ask you a question.

Does my goodbye counts as clickbait? Because if it does I'm sorry i didn't mean too. I didn't know I'll come back to writing.

So you might be asking why i cameback (or not) well here's the story.

when school started i met a classmate who's also a writer and loves to read. We became friends afterwards. Then i told her my story on how i also have a book and i also told her that i quit writing. Then she asked me something. Something i can never forget. Who made the decision to quit? Was it your mind or your heart?  At first i didn't take her questions seriously and just laughed. But when time passed i couldn't get the question out of my head. I really loved writing but my mind's blank I don't know what to write next. It took me weeks to realize that and hence my comeback. Cliche right?

Well that's the story well there's one more reason I'm bored asf i dunno what to do and in school a lot of stress so this is my stress reliever. And i might have exaggerated some of what i said earlier.

Oh and i want to share a secret with you guys. I had a crush on the girl i was talking about but i found out she already had a boyfriend. So I'm crying while writing these things.

Also updates will be inconsistent because of school sorry. And I'm definitely gonna try reaching 50 parts!

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now