Yandere Boss x Male Reader

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First story for a month. I'm quite rusty now and i threw my grammar out the window. So Enjoy!

You were in a stable life, you work for at a cafe as a waiter with a good pay. You live with your girlfriend in an apartment. Then the faithful day came.

You were working a night shift for the cafe. Then a customer came in and took a seat. You walked towards her and waited for her order. She ordered black coffee, you then brightly smiled at her and left. The she suddenly blushed upon seeing your smile and her face began to burn-up.

???'s mind: T-that guy's is so cute and his smile is so adorable and innocent. I want him No! I need him to be mine and mine alone.

5 Minutes later you came back with her order. You were about to leave when she spoke to you.

???: Hey. I'm feeling lonely can we talk and be friends?

(Y/N): Sure! :)

You then went back and took your break and went to her table and sat there.

???: Hello there I'm Faith Swanson, you can just call me faith, and you are?

(Y/N): Oh it's nice to meet you faith, my name is F/N L/N

After you two greeted each other you talked for a while until your break was over. Before she left she gave you a tip and left.

After that day you began to see Faith every night on the cafe while working. You would always take your bream to talk to her. And while you two always talk, you thought that you know everything about her now. But what you don't know was her growing obsession over you.

Then while on your night shift and you were done talking to Faith. You were about to leave work when suddenly your boss called you in his office.

(Y/N): Hello Boss? What did you want to talk about?

Boss: Oh you're here Y/N, uhm this might be hard but this will be your last day.

(Y/N): What! Your firing me why? This was the only job i can land boss don't do this to me please.

Boss: No, I'm not firing you. Well you see the store is closing I'm sorry again you can go now goodbye Y/N it was fun working with you. I Hope you have a good life goodbye again.

(Y/N): Yeah, you were the fucking best boss i ever had goodbye :)

You then left and the next day you got an email from a large company. It said that you are being hired by them and the interview was today. You were confused by just getting hired but you shrugged it of and went to the given location.

You saw a large highrise building you went inside and went to the counter to ask about the interview. She gave you the location it was in the 6th floor. You went there and went to the given room it was a fairly large room.

When you went inside and was greeted by a familiar voice.

???: Hello there Y/N I've been expecting you.

(Y/N): wait... Faith!?

She then turns her chair around and it revealed faith and there was a tag on the desk saying CEO. You were genuinely shocked to know that faith was the CEO of this Large company.

You guys then talked and you were given the position to be her assistant.

(Y/N): Really thank you so much faith, I can't wait to tell my girlfriend about this.

Faith: Wait! You have a girlfriend?

(Y/N): Yeah we've been together for almost 2 years now. And few more months and I'll propose to her.

Faith: *hides anger* R-really that good.

(Y/N): Thanks, i better get going now bye.

After you left faith began to have a tantrum.

Faith: that fucking bitch! She was getting on my way on getting my Y/N. She need to die! I'm the only one for Y/N and no one else.

After her tantrum she calmed herself. She then took out her phone and called a hitman and payed him to kill your girlfriend.

Before you went home you stopped by a bakery, you bought a small cake for celebrations of your new job. You proceeded to go home and you were at your apartment. When you entered, it was dark and you smelled something rotting. You opened the light to see your girlfriend's body. You went up to her but it was already to late she was shot in the head. You were crying while holding her in your arms. You then heard slow footstep coming your way. You turned around to see faith standing there.

Faith: I see the hitman already killed his target. *Smirks*

(Y/N): What. No it couldn't be, you did this! Why!

Faith: Why! Because this bitch was on the way of our love. Can't you see she was just a fucking parasite.

You were angered by her sentence. You got up and dashed towards her you were about to punch him but got stop. You looked up to see you were stopped by her bodyguards.

Faith: That was not a good move Y/N now i need to discipline you, Goodnight.

You then blacked out and the guards picked you up and took you to faith's house. Few hours later you woke up, you looked around to see where you were. You tried to get up but was pulled by chains. You began to panic then the memories from hours ago began to flood in.

Few minutes later the door opened and Faith walked in with a tray of tools and syringes.

(Y/N): Faith! You fucking murderer!

Faith: Uh, uh, uh. That's not a nice thing to say to your wife.

(Y/N): What the fuck are you saying!

Faith: Disciplining you really is the best option.

You then began to feel scared when she said that. After that she began using the tools to "discipline" (torture) after a month of torture you finally broke.

1 month later

Faith: hey honey i love you.

(Y/N): i love you two.

Faith's mind: Yes finally we're together forever Y/N no one gonna take you away from me.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now