Yandere Queen x Poor Male Reader

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(i think this will be short idk)

You're a poor guy living on the slumps of the kingdom of Archids. (couldn't think of anything else)the Kingdom is ruled by Queen Mae the second. You live by doing delivery and transport jobs. Your always traveling to different places and you were happy from your job.

One day while doing your usual delivery at a distance you saw a large army is heading your way. Few minutes later you saw that it was actually the royal army going back to the kingdom as they finished they're conquest. At the middle of the army you saw the queen of Archids. A beautiful white-haired woman. Then it happened your Eyes met with the queen's for a second. Then she turned away you saw tint of pinkish red in her face but you just shrugged it off.

Mae's POV

Me and my army just finished our conquest in the neighboring kingdom. We were heading back to our kingdom while on the road we encountered a passing wagon. I looked at the driver of the wagon i saw it in his eyes he was poor but is very kind, and helpful. And he's smile is so innocent and heavenly not only that but he's quite cute. I then felt my face burning up and my heart racing. And right there and then i sweared to myself that i will have the guy. And i will have those eyes his smile his cute face and all of him all to myself. And no one is gonna stop my next conquest to get him just you wait dear.

3rd Person POV

You just got home and you saw that your Mom and sister are already asleep. (You live in a tiny shack with you sister and mom btw) you were about to lay with them too when suddenly. You heard a knock on your door you walked towards it and opened it.

You saw four royal guards there. You were confused and surprised. You were about to ask them what they want when they suddenly pinned you down. You struggled but they were too strong and they knocked you out.

Few Hours later you woke up and you saw that you are in a cell. Then you remembered the events that transpired hours ago. You were panicking and shouting for help then a voice spoke. You turned around to see the queen herself.

Mae: Hello there. Can i ask what is you name.

(Y/N): M-m-my n-name i-is Y-Y/N.

Mae: Y/N what a lovely name and don't be so nervous around me dear.

(Y/N): Why am i here My queen.

Mae: No need for formalities call me Mae dear. And for why are you here that's because your gonna be king now duh hehehe.

(Y/N): W-what are you saying Mae. I can't do that and my family still need me! I will not accept this nonsense let me out!

Mae: And do you thin you have a choice in this? Guards! Bring them in!

Then two guards came in and they brought two girls with them. You instantly froze when you saw you Mother and sister there.

(Y/N): You wouldn't dare. Don't hurt them!

Mae: Then accept me! Accept my proposal to you and I'll let them go. And hey if your my king then you could help them you know.

You didn't have any choice your Mother and sister's are on the line. The only choice you have is to accept her.

(Y/N): F-fine I'll do it I'll be your king.

Mae: Now that music to my ears. Guards! Take him to the maids to Wash and feed him after that bring him to my room. Oh and also take his mother and sister to the guest room treat them properly. I'll be waiting for you my king.

After that the maids washed you and fed you with your Mother and sister. After that the guards brought you the chamber of the queen.

When you got there you went inside you saw the queen there wearing a lingerie. You were blushing hard and looking away.

Mae: Now come here My king Let's make a child now.

The end

(Not my best work and i don't know if she was that kuch of yandere idk guys I don't know anything anymore. Sorry guys i had a writers block.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now