Yandere Ex-girlfriend x Framed Cheating Male Reader

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Thanks @Survivor1010

(First story after my Hiatus I'll try to make this longer)

Your POV

My name is Y/N and I'm just any ordinary student here. I have friends and i get average grades. And also I'm one of the luckiest man of all time. I asked out this beautiful and popular Upperclasswoman her name is Elise and to my surprise she said yes to me.

While i was walking down the hallway of campus when i turned the corner there i met my worst Nightmare. James Armstrong, he's a bully in the campus and he always targets me. Because he's envious that Elise is my girlfriend. He then shoved me on the lockers and kicked me in the gut. I fell on the ground holding my stomach due to the pain as he walks away.

After getting up i proceeded to walk the hallway and up the stairs towards the rooftop. When i got there i saw Elise i came up to her and we sat and ate together until lunch was over. We planned to go out tomorrow because it was the weekend. We decide it will be in the park at 3 PM.

School was over and i walked outside. There i bumped into him again James. He stared at me and smirked.

James: You better say your goodbyes to elise tomorrow Y/N.

Then he left i was genuinely confused on what he was talking and just shrugged it off.

Then tomorrow came i was so excited to see Elise. I waited for when the time is right and left my house. I quickly went to the park and there i saw Elise she was sitting on the bench waiting for me. I went up to her and sat next to her.

"Hey babe, let's go to the cafe we're talking about"

Elise: Don't hey Babe me!

I was frightened by this i never saw her act like this before.

"Uhm Elise are you ok? What are you saying?"

Elise: Playing dumb ey. I already know what you've been doing! You've been cheating on me with another girl. I already know Y/N so don't act dumb!

"W-what are you saying Elise I'll never cheat on you"

Elise: Sure. James told me yesterday that he saw you with another girl. He even showed me a picture of you two holding hands.

"B-but i Never did those thi-"

I was cut off by a slap on my face and a knee on my gut. Then i laid there on the ground while Elise walks away. I went home and locked myself in my room crying all day. Then fell asleep.

Then Monday came and i had school i got ready and went there. As i got in the campus i can feel it. I can feel every single person staring at me with hatred. I fasten my pace and got to my classroom just like a while ago everyone is staring at me. As i walked up to my desk i saw it was litered by markings.

You fucking whore.
You cheating bastard.
You Shouldn't be alive right now.
How could you do that to Elise.
You should just die.

I sat on my table laying my head on it and silently crying. Then school ended. As i walked through the hallway i got pulled to a classroom. There i saw many students mostly male. Then it happened they beat me up to a bloody-pulp. Then i realized what Elise said to me the other day.

I didn't cheat on her i didn't do any of those. James tricked her why, why would they do this to me. As i question everything while laying there on the floor. The next day i heard that Elise and James began dating.

The next week i didn't come to school i just stayed inside my house. But they still kept going hundreds of death threats are being send to me. Via Email or mail. I got into a severe depression and i became suicidal.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now