Yandere Female Tanjiro x Male Reader

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"What a beautiful Night, the Moon is shining, crickets chirping, (A/N: do they chirp?) Building debris flying everywhere, and people running and screaming for their lives. What a beautiful night indeed and me I'm regretting coming at the entertainment district.

3rd Person POV

The battle between demon slayers and the demon left the district into ruins. And the demon slayers won and defeated the uppermoon six demon. Tanji was being carried by Nezuko in her back because tanji can't move. They were walking to back to their friends when suddenly.

(Y/N): Help! Is anyone there i need help I'm stuck.

Tanji and nezuko heard this and quickly went there. They saw Y/N was stuck in some rubble and can't move. When Nezuko and Tanji got there Tanji's heart suddenly skipped a beat upon seeing Y/N. Nezuko laid Tanji down and went to Y/N to get the rubble out of him. And Y/N finally got out.

(Y/N): Thank you so much gor helping me and my name is Y/N. Thank you again.

Tanji: I-its f-fine m-my name is T-tanji Kamado you can call me Tanji. And this is my sister Nezuko she's a friendly demon.

Nezuko and Tanji Escorted Y/N back to the medical zone (A/N: bruh idk what there called) and they went back to get Zenitsu and Inosuke. On the way Tanji can't stop thinking about Y/N and her hearts beats faster when near him.

They retrieved their friend and went back to the medical zone. Tanji was excited to see Y/N again but then suddenly. Tanji saw Y/N hugging another girl his girlfriend. Tanji became enraged by the sight of her with Y/N and she got to thinking.

Tanji's Mind: Why is that bitch hugging what's mine! I can't let this happen Y/N is Mine! Mine! MINE! and no bitch will take him from me.

Tanji saw Y/N and his girlfriend leaving the district.

Tanji: Oh hey guys i need to go somewhere Zenitsu please take care of Nezuko I'll see you at the butterfly mansion.

Zenitsu: Ok Tanji but where are you going?

Tanji: just need to take care of something.

Tanji then left them and followed Y/N back to his house.

Y/N was about to open the door to his house when suddenly he was knocked unconscious. His girlfriend was confused and worried.

Tanji: Don't worry about him he's just unconscious but you should worry about yourself though.

Tanji took out her sword and slashed Y/N's girlfriend into 100 piece of flesh. She then proceeded to carry Y/N on her back and went to the butterfly mansion. When they got there she put Y/N to the basement and locked him in there.

The next day

(Y/N): Ughh what the heck happened my head hurts.

Tanji: ohh your finally awake dear.

(Y/N): T-tanji what are you doing? Where am i!?

Tanji: ohh Y/N your at the Butterfly mansion and am taking my property.

(Y/N): what property. what are you saying.

Tanji pointed at his chest and Y/N looked down to see there was something carved into his skin. It read

"Property of Tanji Kamado Lover and Wife"

(Y/N): Wh-what are you saying i only met you last night. And i have a gir-

Tanji: That bitch! Don't worry Y/N she not here anymore i took here out and chopped her into pieces.

(Y/N): You did what! You monster! I'll never love you.

Tanji: then I'll force you to love me.

After that Tanji Raped Y/N everyday until she was pregnant with Y/N's child. He then released Y/N so he could be a dad to their children. Y/N didn't try to escape because Tanji threatened Their childs life if Y/N leave.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now