Yandere Reverse Trap x Male Reader

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First of all thanks you everyone for the support thank you so much 5k reads i never think i could make this happen. Well it's all thanks to you guys so ARIGATO

Mitsuki's POV

I was walking down the streets of Tokyo, i was going to buy groceries when out of nowhere. A girl came up to me and she asked for my number. I've been in this situation numerous times now, i just got used to it. They always think that I'm a boy because of my Hair and Fashion taste. I said to her that i was actually a girl and she said sorry and left.

I continued my walk to the grocery store, i got a notification on my phone and pulled it out it was my mom. I was texting her and didn't see someone in front of me. I bumped into someone i looked back to say that I'm sorry then the person spoke.

(Y/N): You should be more careful, Miss. And always look ahead of you it's dangerous.

I was genuinely shock, this was the first time that someone actually got my gender right without asking.

"S-sorry about that, I'll be more careful. Have a nice day"

(Y/N): You too :)

My heart was beating faster and faster every second. His smile was so cute and so innocent. After that day i couldn't get that guy out of my head. I mentally cursed myself for not asking for his name, God i hope i see him again.

3 Person POV

The next day Mitsuki woke up and got ready for school. She was a third-year honor student in (S/N). She took the bus to get there she was at the school gates when she was bumped from behind. The one the bumped her was running and hit her the person stopped. And to mitsuki's surprise it was the same person she bumped into.

(Y/N): I'm so sorry i was in a rush i thought i was late, this is my first day i just transferred here. Wait it's you from yesterday what a coincidence hello again.

Mitsuki: Hello. Yeah no it's ok we're even now.

The two of you shared laughs.

(Y/N): By the way I'm Y/N. A First year here. Nice to meet you.

Mitsuki: Hello Y/N my name is Mitsuki and I'm a third-year.

(Y/N): Well i got to go i hope we see each other around. :)

Mitsuki's mind: It's his smile again it's so cute and innocent. I want it only for myself. So Y/N's a new student here there's a lot of sluts in this school i got to keep them away from my Y/N. Y/N is only mine, mine alone.

Your POV

I was walking down the hall searching for my classroom. I was nervous as hell this is my first time transferring school. I saw were my classroom was i entered it and saw that class already started. I was so embarrassed to be late.

Teacher: Oh you must be Y/N L/N the transfer student right?

I just nodded.

Teacher: Ok no need for introductions seat at the back next to that girl.

I nodded again and walked where my designated seat was. When i sat there the girl began speaking to me.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now