Yandere Best Friend x Male Reader

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So couple of warnings to know before reading this.

First because this is part 40 and i made it special so i made my sister write this part. So this might have worse or better grammar than my story parts. And second this part is Yaoi my sister really likes MalexMale. Third is the format is different than the type i use in my parts. Please enjoy my sister's writing

If you don't like MalexMale you can just skip this.


(Your POV)

I was just waking up from bed just before my alarm clock rang. I got up and fixed my bed after that i went downstairs to cook breakfast. Yes i was living alone in an apartment, I'm a college student and a major in engineering. After eating breakfast i went to the bathroom and got a shower and brushed my teeth. After showering i wore my uniform, and readied myself to go to school. I went out of the apartment and locked my room. I then proceeded walking to the university because it was just close by.

After walking for a few minutes i reached the university's gate. But before entering the university i felt someone tapped me from behind, i turned around and saw it was my best friend Carl!

(Carl's POV)

I woke up and saw that i overslept a little. I quickly got readied for school ignoring my empty stomach. I quickly rushed to the school gates when i got there i saw i still had a little time left. I sighed in relief and i saw him, the love of my life, Y/N. We've been best-friends since Highschool but pretty much sooner or later we'll become lovers hehehe. I walked towards him, he was as cute as always. I tapped he's shoulder and he turned around to face me. He then smiled, i restrained myself from eating him up right there and then.

(3rd Person POV)

You and Carl were now talking to each other while walking towards your own classroom. You both have different classes but you two always hangout at lunchtime or after school. You two said you goodbyes to each other and went to your separate ways.

(Your POV)

I entered my classroom and sat on my chair. Class just proceeded like always and lunchtime rolled in. I walked towards the cafeteria and saw Carl already waiting for me there. We both got our food and sat on an empty table.

We both talked for the rest of the lunchtime and went to our respected classroom. Class started and i began taking down notes for the final exams.

Then class was finished almost everyone left the room while i was still packing my things. I was about to leave when i got stopped by a girl. This girl's name is Annie Taylor, she's one of the most beautiful girl's in the university so she's popular. And like any other boys out there i had a crush on her. I began to get nervous because I'm alone with my crush and she's blocking my exit.

"Hello there Miss Taylor, uhmm can i ask what are you doing?" I nervously said to her.

"Oh, uhmm well i wanted to talk to you is that ok?" She asked.

'talk to me? About what, geez I'm getting so nervous right now' i thought to myself. "Yeah i have some spare time what do you want to talk about Miss taylor?" I said to her.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now