Yandere Esdeath x Slave Male reader (Lemon)

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(A/N: Esdeath is a sadist right?)

You were only a child when your father left you and your mother. And when you're mother dies from a disease. You were homeless and stole from vendors on the capital. Then you were caught by one of the vendors and he sold you to the slave shop. Because of your cute face and feminine body your were put on the area where the sex slaves are.

Throughout the years you were bought and sold again and again. Your were defiled by not just Women but also men too.

Your now 16-year old and you're used to being a sex slave and you didn't care about anything anymore.

Esdeath's POV

I was walking down the streets of the capital then i saw the Slave shop and i thought to myself. Maybe i should get a Sex slave to vent out my stress and frustrations because of Night Raid.

After agreeing with myself i went to the shop and looked towards the Sex slave area. I saw Old and Young, all of them are malnourished. I didn't saw anyone in particular i want to buy. I was about to leave the shop when the shopkeeper came up to me.

Shopkeeper: Hello there. Anyone particular you want to buy?

Maybe i should ask him if there are more slaves to choose.

"None of them catch my eye. Do you have more to choose from?"

Shopkeeper: Actually... We have one more you can choose from he's quite the popular sex slave. But I'll cost you twice so how about it?

A popular sex slave never heard of him before ok lets see him.

"Ok first i want to see him"

Shopkeeper: Sure follow me Miss.

I followed the shopkeeper, he went through the back door there i saw just a single cell. I went closer and saw him, he was quite the cutie and he also has a feminine body. When i first saw him i felt something inside me and my heartbeat fasten. I couldn't explain it, i just wanted to dominate him...

Your POV

I was just sitting on the corner of my room when i heard the backdoor open. I knew it was one of two things. They're here to feed me or Someone's buying me. But not to my surprise it was the latter. I saw the shopkeeper with a Woman with Blue Hair and Blue eyes. She was also wearing an officer's uniform but it was like she a higher ranking officer. The cell door opened and The Woman came in and walked towards me. And then she talked to me she had quite the demanding tone.

???: Hello there. My name is Esdeath, what about yours?

"M-m-my n-name i-is Y-Y/N."

Esdeath: So Y/N how about you come with me.

"A-are Y-you buying Me?"

Esdeath: Yes am i so come here and let's go to our new home.

I stood up and walked towards the Woman name Esdeath after waiting for her paying the fees. We walked throughout the streets of the capital i was scared and i was hiding behind her holding onto her shirt. Then out of nowhere two guys went up to Miss Esdeath.

Man1: Hey there Beautiful got anything to do.

Man2; Yeah how about we get a Room in that Inn right there.

Esdeath: I rather not and i already have someone here.

The both of them look behind Esdeath and saw me hiding they towered me like giants. I was shaking i was scared to speak i feel my knees collapsing due to the pressure.

3rd Person POV

Man2: Hahahahaha your with this guy. He so tiny and he's such a scaredy-cat

(A/N: Your height is only 5"3')

Man1: Yeah come on Girl come with us instead of this piece of shit.

Man2: Wait dude look he has a mark and shackles. He's a slave hahahaha.

You began silently cry behind Esdeath while on the other Esdeath felt nothing but Anger and Fury. One of the guy tried puting he's hand on Esdeath's Shoulder but Esdeath Punched him. She then took your hand and walked away and you two went to the capital palace (A/N: is that what it's called idk)

Esdeath told you to stay here while she walked towards one of the guards and whispered into the guards ear.

Esdeath whisper's: Hey rally some other guard and i want you to capture two guys here the description. *Hands a paper* Bring them to my torture chamber Don't fail me now or else.

Esdeath went back to you and the guard left. Esdeath began walking while you followed her. You guys then stopped outside a large fancy door. Esdeath opened it and it revealed that it was her room.

Esdeath: Come here Honey sit here on the bed.

You sat next to her.

Esdeath: I bet you're tired how about after you take a shower you can sleep here. Ok and I'll just be out for an hour or so.

After she said that she left you in her room. You took a shower and laid on the comfy bed and instantly fell asleep.

Esdeath's POV

After i left My beloved on my room i walked through the halls and stopped at a cell door. I opened it and went down the stairs it was like a dungeon like place underneath the palace. I went to my torture chamber and saw them. The two guys who tried hitting on me and making My Precious Y/N cry. Filled with nothing but rage i quickly went to work and tortured them like hell. After torturing them i killed them after killing them i washed up and went back to my Precious Y/N.

3 person POV

Esdeath went back to her room and saw you already asleep. She went to you and she laid next to you. Few minutes later you woke up and saw Esdeath staring at you with lustful eyes.

Esdeath: I see your awake darling and if your awake then we can start.

(Y/N): Start wh-

Before you could finish she sat on your crotch and you knew what she was talking about. She kissed you and forced her Tongue into yours. While you were kissing she pulled up your shirt and started to play with your nipples. You moan while still kissing then she parted the kiss for air. Just then she felt something poke her ass. She smirked.

Esdeath: You're Quite excited Y/N.

You tried hiding you reddened face from her. She then went down and proceeded to remove your pants and undergarment. When she pulled your Undergarment it revealed an 9-inch erect cock.

Esdeath: You know Y/N you have quite a large cock for someone who has a feminine body.

Esdeath began sucking your cock like it was a delicious popsicle. She then quickened her sucking and you finally came inside her mouth. She savoured the taste and smell and gulped it down her throat.

Esdeath: Now for the main event.

Esdeath took off her Uniform and you saw her large busts and her wet entrance. She positioned her entrance with your cock. She then slammed down her entrance into you cock you both moaned. She then began thrusting while moaning.

Esdeath: *moan* Wow Y/N this is so amazing *moan*.

Esdeath then quickly her thrusting and you were about to come when you realized. That you didn't wear a rubber panic began to set.

(Y/N): Miss Esdeath! Take it out! I'm about to come!

Esdeath: No Y/N come inside me let's make babies together!

You then came inside her and she collapsed to the side of the bed you two are panting heavily. With last of her energy Esdeath got up and kissed you before falling asleep.

Few Months later

Many things happened this past month, Esdeath's retirement from being a general. Me and Esdeath moving to the countryside. And Us getting married for the first time since your were just 6-years old you finally felt loved again. And you two lived happily with your wife Esdeath and your soon to be born daughter.

The end

(A/N: I don't know of in this story if Esdeath was a yandere or just a Semi-yandere idk)

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now