Yandere Mother x Male Reader (Ch. 2)

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Lisa was now standing outside of Melissa's house holding a butcher knife.

In the house Melissa is alone because her dad is working overtime. Melissa was about to go to bed when she heard a knock on the door. She answered it to see a Woman.

Melissa: Uhm Hello who are you? And what do you need?

Lisa: Hello there My name is Lisa L/N I'm the mother of Y/N. I just want to meet you and talk with you about something.

Melissa: Is that so Ms. L/N come in come in. Y/N told me about you sit in the couch I'll make you tea.

Lisa: Ohh thank you for letting me in but don't bother making tea I'm just here for a quick chat.

Melissa: Is that so ok then Ms. L/N what do you need to talk with me?

Lisa: It's about Y/N and stealing him away from me. *Grins*

Melissa: W-what are you saying Ma'am.

Lisa took out the butcher knife. Melissa was panicking and quickly got out of the couch. Melissa dashed towards the door but was caught by Lisa. While on the ground Lisa chopped of Melissa's legs so that she can't run away.

Lisa then carried Melissa to the basement and tortured her there until she died.

Lisa: Now i think it's time to Get Y/N before any other bitches get him.

Lisa left Melissa's home and went back to her Home.

(Y/N): Oh hey Mom you late today what happened?

Lisa: just had to deal with business and whatnot. Hey wait here I'll heat up some leftovers for diner ok.

(Y/N): Ok thanks Mom :)

Lisa went to the kitchen and put some leftovers on the microwave. When the food was finished heating up Lisa put some crushed sleeping pills in it.

Lisa: Here you go Honey.

(Y/N): Thanks Mom, wait your not eating?

Lisa: No Y/N i just ate.

Y/N proceeded to eat his dinner until he finished it, but he did taste something weird in the food but he shrugged it off.

(Y/N): Hey Mom I'm heading over to my girlfriend's house I'll be ba- wait wha-

Y/N didn't finish what he was saying when he felt heavy and sleepy. Y/N then collapsed on his knees he's vision was fading and then he blacked out and fell asleep.

Lisa stood there with a menacing grin and carried Y/N to her Bedroom and put him in the bed. And went to Y/N side to wait for him to wake up.


Y/N woke up with a nauseating headache he saw he was in his mother's bedroom. Looked around and saw his mother beside him looking at him with lustful eyes.

(Y/N): M-mom what are you doing!

Lisa: Nothing just looking at you Y/N

Then suddenly all of Y/N's memory of last nigh came back. He then puzzled all the things that happened and came to a horrible realization.

(Y/N): M-mom y-your the one who force me to sleep last night weren't you.

Lisa: W-what are you saying Y/N I'll never do that.

Lisa was coming close to Y/N when suddenly Y/N pushed lisa away. Lisa eyes are now full of anger.

Lisa: Listen here Y/N! After all of what i did you still won't be mine! I'm the only one for you and your the only one for me. No one else! I already killed your girlfriend so that she won't be in my way so. So why! Why do you still not love me Y/N!

(Y/N): M-mom y-you k-killed Melissa.

Lisa: of course i fucking did she was gonna steal you away from me!

Y/N got up and dashed toward the door and outside the house. Y/N is now on the streets running he looked behind and saw his mother didn't gave chase. He knew his Father lived near to where he was. He thought of asking him to let him in for the day so he could plan his escape.

Y/N then went to an apartment complex and went to his father's building. He was desperately knocking on his Father's door. Then someone opened it, it was his father he never saw his father for over 6 years now.

???: Hello there who might you be?

(Y/N): Hello there Mr. Mark I'm your son Y/N can i come in?

Mark: Y-Y/N what are you doing here. Your all grown up now, yeah yeah come in.

Y/N came in and Mark went to the kitchen to make some tea for his Son.

Mark: So why are you here? Where's your Mother?

(Y/N): I ran away.

Mark: What! Your run away. What will your mother do? She might be worried sick right now. You better get back th-

(Y/N): You don't get it dad she killed my girlfriend!

Mark: What? What did you just say.

(Y/N): *sigh* Mom killed my girlfriend. She a psychopath i don't know what happened to her.

Mark: I'm sorry for your loss. But what are you doing here though?

(Y/N): Oh yeah I'm here to ask you if i could stay here for a week. I'm planning on leaving the state next week. If that is ok with you.

Mark: Yeah yeah sure I'd be happy to. Hey what about we d--

*Ding dong*

The doorbell suddenly sounded Mark and Y/N thought it might be Lisa. So mark ordered Y/N to hide on the bedroom.

Mark opened the door and as expected it was lisa.

Mark: Lisa. What are you doing here?

Lisa: I'm looking for Y/N did he come here?

Mark: Y/N huh never seen him for six years why would he go here. Maybe at his friends.

Lisa: ...Liar.

Lisa dashed toward Mark with a knife in hand and plunged it in his heart instantly killing him.

Lisa: You can't deceive me i smelled Y/N for a mile away.

Lisa went to the bedroom and looked and saw Y/N in the closet.

Lisa: there you are darling Y/N now to take you back to our home and live forever with me.

The end

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now