Yandere Mikasa x Male Reader

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So this might be a little longer because this is more descriptive than the other story and i actually rewatcted the anime just for this so enjoy...

[ 3rd Person POV ]

Year 845

You were an 11 year old boy, your happy with your life. But it will change one fateful fay. You were outside playing with your friends. The smart one Armin Arlert, the beautiful and stong one Mikasa Ackerman, And the Hardheaded one Eren Yeager.

After the four of you finished Playing you guys would talk about the scouts and the outside world. Then it happened. There was a loud explosion accompanied by a blinding light and the ground shook.

Townspeople were leaving there home to investigate and a couple of people were piling up in the streets. The four of you went to the crowded place to see what was happening. And there you guys saw it a large hand was on the wall then seconds later a large head appeared.

Then like instantaneous the large behemoth kicked the wall. Debris flew over your head and townspeople panicking and dying left and right.

It was only when someone hit you that you snapped out of your trance and started running. Few minutes of running then you realized that your not with your friends anymore. You tried going back but your father took your arm and dragged you back to wall maria.


You were on a boat ( the one that was ahead of eren's boat ) you looked back to the wall. that's when all of a sudden a large titan burst through the wall like it was nothing. You saw townspeople began to panic and started to jump to the ship behind yours.

Your mother covered your eyes to not witness the horrific sight of people getting eaten. You just prayed that Armin, Mikasa and Eren was still alright.

A camp was made in the district of trost but you and your family left to go to the district of Karanes where your relatives resides. You still didn't know if your friends were still alive. You pushed your self to join the cadets and become a scouts.

Year 847

You enlist to be with the 104th cadets. There you reunited with your friends you were happy to see them again.

Timeskip graduating time Year 850

You placed 7th in the division and all the troops celebrated after that. After eren gave his speech the four of you went outside and talked about the outside again. The great and vast Ocean.

You thought your life couldn't get any better your with your friends again and just having a good life. But you actually don't know this but Mikasa actually has a growing obsession over you. It started when you joined the cadets, she just couldn't stop thinking about you and over time she obsessed over you.

(Sorry couldn't think of any better way)

Then while you were cleaning the cannon with eren and the other cadets. A flashing light appeared right infront of you guys. And then the same titan appeared dubbed the colossal titan. All of you guys got blown off and the gates was kicked open. It's the repeat of five years ago. While hanging on the wall you saw eren go up and tries attacking the titan. When you saw this you got motivated and followed him.

Male Reader x Yandere VariousWhere stories live. Discover now