Chapter 1 - Shots

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Korey's P.O.V.
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and there is not a cloud in the sky. Jen is practicing, Seth is fixing his guitar, an John and I are sitting on the couch, with his arm around me. "I don't feel like doing anything today " Seth says staring off into space. Jen stops practicing, "I know what you mean" she says. "I just wanna stay right here all day I admit. John pulls me closer, till my head is on his chest, "Yeah, I wouldn't mind that" he says putting his other arm around me, and resting his chin on my head. I put my arms around his stomach, holding him close. *GLASS SHATTERING SOUND* A bullet hole is now in the cabinet by Seth. John pulls me to the ground, and squeezes me tight. Seth is holding Jen close to him on the floor across from us. Another bullet finds its way into the trailer, then another, and another. John pulls me closer and whispers "Its gonna be okay, Kor, its gonna be okay" I look over at Seth, a frightened look is on his face. I look at Jen, tears streaming down her face. Scared I look at John, he's looking around alarmed, he looks at me, fear in his eyes. Tears start streaming out of my eyes, another bullet finds its way into the cabinet. "Shhhhh, its gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay" John says trying to calm me down. John starts to get up, "Where are you going?!" I ask panicking. "I'm going to see what's going on, don't worry I'll be right back" he starts for the window, another shot. He begins to look out the window, "John, please, don't, come back!" We all say. Another shot, John starts to come back, another shot, he falls to the ground. "John! John!" I whisper, nothing. I rush over to him, "JOHN!" I turn him onto his back. Blood is on his shoulder, "JOHN!" I whisper scream, he moans and starts to open his eyes. Seth and Jen are by his side now, "I'm okay, it's fine Kor really." he says. I know he's lying, he's not okay, he's been shot! Of course he's not okay! Tears are streaming down my face now, "Shhh, shhh, it's okay Kor, don't cry, please don't cry" he says using his good arm to wipe the tears from my face. "My love is just waiting to turn your tears to roses" he sings. John singing made me start to calm down, but only a little. The door to our trailer swings open, shots are fired, and some men in black outfits come in with guns in their hands. "Oh, no, no" John whispers. "Kor, Jen, get out of here! Seth, get them out of here!" John whispers. "We're not leaving you!" we whisper back. "Seth.....please....get them out off here, please!" John whispers desperately. "Too late Johnny boy....." one of the men say, "too late to get out of this! Who are they?" "Nobody, honest...." John replies, all of us are staring at him now. "I'm doing this for your own good." John he whispers to us. "Who are you?!" I say angry. "Oh, feisty one aren't you...." they reply to me, "we're your worst nightmare." They look at John's shoulder and get an evil smirk on their faces. "What do you want?!" I ask now furious. "Lady we don't know if you're 'nobody' as Johnny boy puts it, or if you're somebody important to him, so......." one of them walks over and grabs me, pulling me of the ground and to the other men. "NO!" John yells. "Knew it, you're important. But obviously not important enough if he didn't tell you why we're here. See miss, we're here to get ol' Johnny boy and take him to the boss." they say putting the gun to my head. "NO!" John try's to get up, but can't. "Are you gonna put up a fight Johnny boy or....." they start to say. "NO, no, I won't, I promise." John says half yelling. "Well just in case...." the other two men go over and grab Jen, and Seth. "But, I said....." John starts to say. "That doesn't matter Johnny boy, we know not to trust you." the men say. The men take us out of the trailer and into some kind of prisoner van. The men walk off, "Who are those men?" Jen asks Seth and I frightened. "I don't know." Seth says rubbing her back. The men are back and throw John into the back of the van with us. They shut the doors and van starts to move. I move to John's side, "We need a hero!" Jen sings. "You have some serious explaining to do, John." I tell him.

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