Chapter 27~Newbies~Seth's P.O.V.

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I open my eyes, I hear commands from outside our cell. "John, John...." I whisper. "Hmph, what?" he whispers half asleep. The cell door begins to open, "That..." I whisper. John immediately wakes the girls and stands up. The girls hide behind him, and the door opens all the way. Some the clan members throw people in, "Ta-da!!" they say laughing, and they shut the door. The people stand up scared, "HILARY!" I yell. NO!!!! THEY FOUND HER!!! I try to get up but can't. "KIDS!!" John and Korey yell. THEY FOUND THEM TOO!! NO!! "SETH!!" Hilary yells running to me. "MOM, DAD!!" Alex and Xavior yell running to John and Korey. "JEN!!" the kids yell giving Jen a hug. "Oh my goodness!! Seth!! Are you okay?!" Hilary asks worried. "I'm fine..." I start, but she cuts me off, "What happened? Why is that bandage there?!" she asks. I look at her, "Well, um, see, I was, um, stabbed....with a knife..." I tell her. Her jaw drops, and tears slowly start falling down her cheeks. I hate seeing my beautiful girl cry, it breaks my heart. I reach my hand up and wipe the tears from her beautiful face. "He's okay Hilary." Jen says. Hilary and the kids look at the four of us, "We're okay...all five of us." we tell them. "But there's only four of you." Alex says. "What?!" we say looking behind John. John turns around to find Maria gone. We look around, she's not here, "No, NO!" John says panicking.

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