Chapter 39~MARIA!!~John's P.O.V.

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I look around and see a hand on the floor by one of the doors. I run over and open the door, "MARIA!!" I yell kneeling down by her. SHE BEEN SHOT!!!!! I pick her up bridal style and quickly carry her to the others. "What happened?!" they ask alarmed. "She...she...was...shot..." I say crying. I'm not gonna lose her again, not this time, not ever. "There's an ambulance outside for us." Jen says. "Then let's hurry up and get there." Seth says beginning to run for the door, "Come on!" We begin running, I just can't lose her again. We get outside to the ambulance, "Are you all okay?" the ambulance people ask. "She's been shot." I tell them. They take her from me and put her on a gurney, "Get in." they say, and we get in. The ambulance begins for the hospital, I hope she'll be okay. I just can't lose her again. Please be okay.

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