Chapter 25~SETH!!~Jen's P.O.V.

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I walk over to Seth, "Seth?" I say worried. His eyes are closed, he almost looks unconscious. "Seth?" I shake his shoulder, nothing. Maria comes over, "Seth?" she says shaking his shoulders. She begins moving him, she gasps. "What?!" we all ask her alarmed. She lays Seth on his stomach, THERES A KNIFE IN HIS BACK!!! "SETH!!" we all yell. I begin to cry, John tries to get up, Korey helps. Korey and John make their way to us, "Seth?" Korey says, beginning to cry. Maria rips a long strip of cloth from her long shirt, and gets on the other side of Seth. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She looks at John, who grabs my arm, pulling me up from off the ground. He wraps his arms around Korey and I until our faces are on his chest. "Thanks." I hear Maria whisper.

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