Chapter 11~Korey's Secret~John's P.O.V.

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"Korey...." I say beginning to cry. Seth and Jen come over, "Korey?" Jen says crying. Tears form in Seth's eyes, he's never cried in front of us before. "Korey...." I say crying more. She opens her eyes, "'s okay." she says wiping the tears from my face. She sits up, "I'm okay...." she says kissing my cheek. "Stay with me here now and never surrender..." she sings. I hold her in my arms, and I kiss her on her lips. "My love is, just waiting, to turn your tears to roses..." she sings. "I love you Doggy..." she says. "And I love you. Kor, who was that?" I ask. "An know." she says. "So we're all mixed up here...." Seth says. "I guess so." Jen says, we all look at each other. Korey begins to laugh, "What?" I ask her. "All this time of knowing each other and we were all too scared of each other's opinions about this." she says still laughing. Uen and Seth begin to laugh, "Yeah, I..." I start to say, but now I can't stop laughing. Korey stops laughing and hugs me, Jen and Seth join in. "Group hug!" Jen says, and now we're all laughing again.

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