Chapter 5~Recovering~Jen's P.O.V

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Seth has finished getting the bullet out of John's shoulder, we wrapped it in some cloth, I hope he'll be okay. Seth walks away and sits in a different corner, "Seth?" I walk over to him and sit down "Are you sure you're okay?" "I told you Jen, I'm fine." he answers. "Seth, why do you and John hate this room?" I ask. "Because it's a torture chamber. And the names in the are the names of everyone who was tortured here." he says. "What about the ones in the other corner?" I ask. "Those are the ones who died from the torture in here." he says. "Oh....." is all I can say. This room is so big, "Seth, how do they torture people?" I ask. "Depends" is all he says. "On what?" I ask curious. He remains silent, I look over to John and Korey. She's crying, resting her head on John's good shoulder. John has been unconscious since we wrapped his arm up. "Seth.... John's gonna be okay, right?" I ask scared of the answer. "I don't know. I just don't know." he says looking at me, fear is in his eyes. I begin to cry, I put my head on Seth's shoulder. I cry more, Seth starts to pet my hair, "Not gonna die tonight, we're gonna stand and fight forever." He sings. It's night now, and Korey and I cry ourselves to sleep.

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