Chapter 36~It's Time~Seth's P.O.V.

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"What happens to them after they escape?" I ask John. "Maria's telling them how to get to the police station, so whatever happens to us, the clan will be gone for good." he says. "Right." I say, I hope they make it. The door opens, some guys come in, "Wait a minute......where's the rest of them?!" they ask. "Who?" John and I ask curious. "Hmph..." is all they say, two guys come to me and another two go to John. They grab us and tell us to start walking. Man, I hope Maria hurries, not for me, but for John. He has a family that depends on him. We get to main room and they get the chains on us. "Where's the rest of them?" the boss asks. "There was no one else." the men explain. "You fools! They escaped!!" he's getting mad. He goes to John and gets his knife out. No, no, he can't, Maria hurry!! He slashes John's arm with the knife, then comes to me. "Hello there boy." he says. He grabs my shoulders, making me stand up straight. "You're such a fool, just like your mother." he says stabbing my right shoulder. He walks away and grabs a gun. He points it at John and starts to laugh. The lights go out, "WHAT?!" he says confused. has to be.

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