Chapter 21~What Happend?~John's P.O.V.

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I can't believe it, Maria never left this horrible place. "You mean that you've been here ever since y..." Jen starts, I cut her off. "Since I got us into this mess." everyone looks at me, "It's all my fault, I got you here and left you here too..." I say. I can't believe it, I'm a terrible brother. "It's not your fault John, we all make mistakes." Maria says. "She's right Doggy." Korey says hugging me tight. Maria and Jen smile at Korey and I. "So..." Seth begins, sitting down, "what have you been doing all years?" Maria, Korey, and Jen sit down, I decide to join them. "Well, um, after you guys escaped, like right after, the 'boss' got real mad. Before I could get away he caught me.." Maria shutters, "well, he dragged me back, made me his 'servent', his prisoner, until he got you back." she says looking at me. I shutter trying not to think of what he might have done to her. "Are you okay?" Korey asks concerned. "I am now." Maria replies. We all look at her worried, I get up and go over to her. She stands up, "What?" she asks. I see pain, suffering, and sorrow in her eyes. "I...I...I..." I begin. All of a sudden the door opens, Maria gasps. No, they're not getting her this time. Not now, not ever. I'm here for her this time, and I'm never leaving again.

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