Chapter 43~Doing Good~Seth's P.O.V.

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"Maria?" we all say opening her door. "Come on in you guys!" Maria says excited. We go in, John runs to her side, and grabs one of her hands. "Are you okay? How are you feeling? Are you comfortable? Or maybe you're hungry? Or.." John starts. Maria cuts him off, "John. I'm fine, comfortable, and I'm not hungry right now." she smiles at him. He begins to laugh, "I'm sorry. I was just so worried about you." he says. "Yeah, you should've seen him. It was almost like he was mad at us." Jen says jokingly. We all laugh, "sorry  about that." John says. "It's okay Doggy." we say. Maria looks at us kinda strange. "That's his nickname." Korey says. Maria laughs, "Figures. He is like a dog." she says. "Hmmm.." John says looking at Maria. We all laugh, "Yeah you should see him at home." Alex and Xavior say. We can't stop laughing. I'm so glad she's okay!

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