Chapter 19~How Do You...~Jen's P.O.V.

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How does she know them?! "Maria, how..." John starts. "Well, see, all of you I met here...well pretty much. Korey and I became friends after her ex boyfriend introduced me to her. Jen and I became friends because of her brother. And Seth and I became friends because....well his family." she explains to us. "Oh, do you remember my brother, you know the...." I cut her off, "Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" I ask. "Yeah, and how did you meet John?" the three of us ask. "Well, like I was saying, this big fellow.." she says hugging John, "is my big brother." We all stare at them two, with our eyes big and our jaws all drop. Korey goes over and joins the hug, "So you' my sister then, huh?" she says. Maria looks at John and then to Korey. " two are married?" she says happy. "Yeah" John and Korey say in unison. "Good...he's so much better for you than that jerk." Maria says looking at Korey. John and Korey kiss, "Yeah, I know right." Korey says. "So you're the one who saved me..." I say. "Whoa...that that's your Jen, and Korey, and Seth?" John asks. "Yep." Maria says. "Then that means I..." John begins. "Saved us." the three of us say in unison. "Yep! do you all know each other?" Maria asks. "Well remem..." John begins. "Wait they're apart of that band you were gonna create! Right?" Maria interrupts. "Yep" John says. "Skillet, right? He was always wanting a band with that name." she says. "Yep" we all say together. We all begin to laugh, I'm so happy! I thought she was dead! But she's not, thank goodness!

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