Chapter 10~KOREY!!~Seth's P.O.V.

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John's lying, I know he is, there's some blood on his shirt. Poor John, getting tortured and not being able to tell us. "I love you Doggy...." I hear Korey whisper, I smile. I don't know what they would do without each other, probably go insane, or worse. I have to protect them from these people, they can't lose each other. "I love you too Kor..." I hear John whisper. Jen and I smile, "Don't wake me now...." John sings. We all begin to laugh, the door opens, great now what?! A man walks over to John and Korey, he smiles. "" Korey whispers. John gets up, looking the man face-to-face. "What do you want?" John asks angry, Korey starts moving towards me. "Haha...." the man says, he starts fighting John. Korey comes to me scared to death, John's lying on the floor trying to get get up. Korey's panicking, I can tell, "You married this weakling Korey? Haha.." the man grabs her. I try to help but he fights me too, I lay on the ground now. "You left me for him, Korkor? You fool!" he says laughing. Korey struggles to get away, Jen starts to get up, the guy fights her too. He begins to throw Korey into a wall, "You fool!" he throws her. Korey hits the wall and drops to the floor, the guy leaves and shuts the door. "KOREY!!" we all yell, she lies there, motionless. John gets up, he's in a lot of pain, but runs to her.

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