Chapter 22~Fights~Seth's P.O.V.

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I look at Maria, she's hiding behind John, and she's scared to death. A man walks in, I don't believe it! "I can see you dumbo!" he says, then looks at me. "Seth!" he starts coming to me, "look at you, hanging out with these losers! Dad's gonna kill you for running away!" he grabs my arm. He begins punching and kicking me. John runs to me trying to help. My stepbrother quickly fights back, knocking John against the wall. He kicks me in my head one last time and then goes over to Maria. He grabs her, and throws her against the wall. "Stop it Eric!" I yell. John runs over and resumes fighting with Eric, my stupid stepbrother. Eric hits John, knocking him against the door. "JOHN!" Korey and Jen yell. Maria is up against a corner trying to fend for herself. I try to get, but can't. I moan in pain. I look back at Maria and Eric, she is on the floor, blood by her body. "NO!" I join the girls in yelling. "Eric!" a voice calls from outside the door. "Bye bye you idiots!" Eric says and closes the door, leaving us alone again. Korey runs to John who has been unconscious. Jen looks at me, "Go to her" I say nodding my head towards Maria. Jen runs to her and begins taking care of her. I hope they'll be okay.

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