Chapter 3 - Headquarters

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Korey's P.O.V
The doors to the back of the van open and the men start to grab us. "Come on Johnny boy, the boss wants to see you!" one of the men say. They push us into an old abandoned building. They shut the doors behind us, and tell us to move. We keep walking, we're now in a big room with chains on the floor. They walk us over and attach the chains on our arms and legs. "We'll be back!" the men say walking out of the room. "I remember this place." Seth says, his voice shaking. "Yeah, I do too." John says frightened. "Where are we?" Jen asks looking around. "We're at headquarters ..." John and Seth both start, "and this is the doom pit." "Well, well, look who we've got here." a voice says from behind us. "The boys really did get you back Johnny boy, and they even brought your friends. How sweet." the voice says. A figure appears beside John and slaps him in the face. "Let's see" the figure appears in front of us and comes towards me, "very pretty". He puts his hand on my chin turning my head side to side. I see John's face and he looks mad, he making a growling type sound. The man lets go of my chin and grabs my left hand, "Oh, married!" he says putting my hand down. He walks over to John, grabbing his left hand, John moans from the bullet wound. "Oh, you are married too?" the man starts, John looks at me with pain written on his face. I begin making a type of growling sound, "You have a beautiful wife Johnny boy!" he puts John's hand down. He walks over to Jen, doing the same thing to her as he did me, "Oh, you're very pretty as well! And not not married, what a pity!" he says. Seth keeps his head down, the man grabs Seth, forcing his head up. "Seth boy! Wow, look at you! Hanging out with Johnny boy and two pretty girls too!" he says pleased. "You're not married either I see, now that's a pity Seth boy!" he says snickering. That's what Seth was doing in the van before we got here! He was putting his wedding ring in his pocket, that way they don't find out about Hilary! The man walks over to John and I, "Now Johnny boy, you know you can't get away this time. Not with this pretty wife of yours to think about." he says looking at me. He claps and the men from earlier come in. "Take them to the you-know-where." he says with an evil laugh. "Yes, sir!" the men reply, removing the chains from us. "Now move!" they command, and we begin to walk. Where is the 'you-know-where'? Are they going to kill us? Or worse are they gonna kill John and Seth, and keep Jen and I as a reward? These questions keep playing in my head and I can't get them out.

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