Chapter 9~Jen's Secret~John's P.O.V.

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The guys throw me back in with the rest of the band, "Haha, have fun!", they say and shut the door. Have fun? I turn around scared, Jen has knife in her shoulder, Seth is laying in the middle of the room, and Korey is curled up in a ball in the back, all of them with their eyes closed. "JEN! SETH! KOREY!!!" I yell. "John......." I hear a faint whisper coming from Korey, I go to her. "Korey, what happened?" I ask panicking. "A, a man came in, and he knew Jen. He did that.....when he left, Seth tried to get to her, but, passed out." she says. "Are you okay?" I ask, stroking her hair. "John, I.......I thought were, dead." she begins to cry. "But I'm not. Kor, are you okay?" I ask again. " hurts." she says crying more. "It's gonna be okay baby." I say trying to comfort her. "Oh, Doggy..." she says faintly. "It's gonna be okay." I say kissing her forehead. I walk over to Seth, he's okay, just worn out. I go to Jen, "Jen, Jen...." I say. "Hmmm....John?" she says faintly. "Yeah, you okay?" I ask. "Is Seth and Korey?" she asks. "Yeah, they're okay, but what about you?" I ask again. "Are...." I cut her off, "What about you?" I ask again. "I'm fine, it hurts a little, but I'm used to it." she says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'm kind of mixed up here too." she says. "What?!" I say surprised. "Yeah, my brother...yes, I have a brother....,he's part of here." she says. "Oh..." I say shocked. "Hmmm.....John?" Seth says. "Yeah?" I say. He smiles l, I help him sit up against the wall. Jen sits up and takes the knife out of her shoulder. Seth and I stare at her, "What?" She asks. "Nothing...." we say, she looks at us and shrugs. "Hmmmm...." Korey tries to sit up. I go to her and help, "Kor, you good?" I ask once she's sitting up. "Yeah, thanks Doggy." she says smiling. I smile and sit next to her. We all smile, Korey puts her head on my shoulder. "And never surrender....." Korey sings. We all laugh, maybe we'll be laughing about this in a week, I hope. "Oh, Doggy, what did they do to you?" Korey asks curious. "Well, not much....just used words." I say lying. They used a whip on me too, but I'm used to it.

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