Chapter 29~Long Story~Hilary's P.O.V.

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"You never told me he had a little sister, or any siblings." I whisper to Seth. "I didn't know." he whispers back to me. "What happened..before we got here." Xavior asks. Jen looks at Seth, he looks at Korey, and she looks at John. "Well, um, kids..." he starts. "Well.." Korey begins, "Hmmmm" Jen's thinking. I look at Seth, "Well, um, see, um, we, uhh..." he stops and thinks. "Do you want me to tell them?" Maria asks. "Sure.." they answer in unison. "Okay, so when your dad and I were younger our parents were murdered. After that he joined this clan, known as the x-clan. Well automatically I came with him cause I was only 8. So I wandered around the place a lot, and helped a lot of people. Well that's where your mom comes in. She was dating another clan member at the time. Well lets just say, he wasn't, nice. Okay, so Jen also got stuck here because of her brother, who didn't like her." Maria pauses for second. "And let me straighten this out for you all, I liked, no, loved Maria then just as much as I do now." John says. Maria smiles and continues, "Yeah, that's why I used your dad to give a lesson to the 2 guys. And then there's Seth..who's mom married the boss of the clan. Well Seth ended up with a younger step brother, Eric. Okay, so the boss, Eric, and a few other clan members- which some of the members were drugged by the boss so that they had no idea what was going on- and they all killed Seth's mom. Well a little while later your mom, Jen, and Seth escaped from here. A couple days later your dad and I found out that the boss actually was the one who murdered our parents. So your dad and I ran, but since I was little, the clan caught me. And I have been here ever since." she pauses. "I thought she was dead..." John says faintly. "Yeah, and I thought that they were all dead. But anyways the boss looked for your dad for years. And that's how they ended up here now." Maria says. "Wow." the kids and I say in unison. "Yep, that's about it." John and Seth say. Wow. My poor hubby has had such a rough life, I mean all he ever told me was that he didn't really like his father and his mother was dead, but that's all he's ever told me. My poor baby, not being able to talk about it because the thought of it hurts to much. My poor poor hubby.

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