Chapter 2 - The Expilnation

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Korey's P.O.V.
"Well...." John hesitates, it was a long time ago. Before I met any of you. See I, I, I......" John closed his eyes ashamed of his past. "You what?" I ask. "I got caught up with some of the wrong people. And once you get caught up with the people I got caught up with, There's no getting out." he says. "Who exactly are these people?" Jen asks, now on the other side of him. "They're.....well.......they're the x-clan. I guess that's what they still call themselves." John says worried and afraid. "The x-clan..." Seth says frightened, "you were with the x-clan!" Seth looks at John half frightened, half furious. "Yeah....I'm afraid so" John says. "How do you know who they are?" Jen asks scared. "I was mixed up with them too." Seth says staring off into space. "You too!" John looks at him surprised. "Yeah, but probably not he same way you were mixed up in with them." Seth looking back at us. "How did you get mixed up with them, John?" Seth asks. "Well, um....." John starts, "I, I, I kinda was just wandering the alleys in my hometown and I bumped into someone." "Who?" I ask now even more curious. "His name was Keith, but everybody called him K. Well, you see, K, I mean Keith, was part of the clan and since I had no where to call home I went with him. Well when he told me about the clan I was so bitter and upset about my parents being murdered recently, I joined the clan. But like I said earlier, once you're in you can't get out." John says looking down at the floor. "Yeah, I figured that out too." Seth says now looking down at the floor. "Later, like a couple of years later, I found out that it was the boss of the clan that murdered my parents, so I ran. There was to many people there to fight, so, I ran." John says looking up at me with tears forming in his eyes. I put my arms around him for comforting. "But now they found me....." John starts, "and all of you." John starts to cry and looks back at the ground. "When darkness comes you know I'm never far" I sing. John looks at me and smiles. The van comes to a stop, and we hear the men coming for us. It's just a matter of time now.

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