Chapter 14~Seth's Secret~Seth's P.O.V.

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They're all being so nice, even after what I did. " you wanna talk about it?" Korey asks. " guess I need to." I say. We all sit down, "Well...remember how I said that we weren't mixed up with the clan in the same way?" I say. "Yeah" John replies. "Well...the boss" I say. "YOUR DAD!" they all say surprised. "STEP-dad, and yeah. Well when my dad died my mom remarried, had my half-brother, him." I say angry. They all look at me with big eyes, "Yeah, that's not all either." I tell them. John gets up and faces one of the walls between the girls and me. "John?" Korey says worried. "I' I....I barley remember....that night was so.." John says beginning to cry. "John..." Korey says getting up, and putting her hand on his shoulder. I get up, grab his arms, and face him towards me. "It's okay...that night was bad for both of us. Besides he had you drugged...that you didn't know what you were doing." I say beginning to cry myself. We hug, "I'm so sorry." he says. "Don't be..let's forget about it...okay?" I say. "Okay, sorry to break the brotherly love here, but, what are you two talking about?" Jen asks. We look at her and Korey, they have confused looks on their faces. "Um...well..." we say, we begin talking really fast and when we finish they just look at us even more confused. "He kinda was really drugged and," I begin, John takes over, "and I kinda helped kill his mom." They look at us surprised, Jen gets up, "Uhhh.." they say. Jen walks over and hugs me, "I'm..." she begins, "Don't." I say cutting her off. Korey goes to John and holds him tight, "Oh, Doggy..." she begins, "Don't be sorry for either of us." John and I say in unison. We begin to laugh, the girls look at us and begin to laugh as well.

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