Chapter 4~ I'm Fine ~ Seth's P.O.V.

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Great, the you-know-where, that's all we need. That push us into the you-know-where room, and shut and lock the door. The men leave, we're all alone in this horrible, miserable room that I've been in before, lots of times. "Seth?" Jen says. "Huh, oh, what?" I say. "You don't look so good. Are you okay?" she asks looking concerned. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." I say reassuring her. "Seth, you've been here before, haven't you." John says. "Yeah, you?" I ask. "Yeah, lots of times. I hate this room." he says. "Hey Jen, Korey are you two okay over there?" I ask looking at them. They're staring at one of the corners. "Korey? Jen?" John says concerned. We walk over, I put my hand on Jen's shoulder, John puts his hand on Korey's shoulder. "What's the matter?" we ask. "That." the girls point to a part of the corner, John's name is written there. "Oh, that" John says. "And that..." Jen says. I look, my name is written on the wall, not far from John's name. "Oh....and that." I say. John walks away sitting in a different corner, he looks bad. "John?" I walk over to him. "I'm okay, just....." he says in pain, he moans. Korey turns around and sees John, and my worried expression. "John!" she runs to his side. "I'm fine guys." he says. Jen looks at us and quickly comes over, "John, you don't look fine." she says. He moans. "I'm....." he says in pain. "You're in pain Doggy." Korey says, tears forming in her eyes. "Korey, Jen, do either of you guys have a knife?" I ask. "Seth! Now is not the time to......oh, wait a minute." Jen says now embarrassed. "Yeah, it's attached to my.....belt." John says. "Seth, are you sure......" Korey starts, "Korey, I've done this hundreds of times. Even to myself." I say reassuring her. I grab John's knife, "Korey hold his hand. John squeeze Korey's hand, it helps, okay?" Korey grabs his hand and he nods. "Everybody ready?" I ask. They nod, and begin.

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