Chapter 40~At The Hospital~Jen's P.O.V.

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We're at the hospital, Maria is in surgery, and another doctor is checking us. "Well Mr. Morrison I think you'll be fine!" the doctor says to Seth. "Good!" Hilary says relieved. "Did anything happen to you Mr. Cooper?" the doc asks. John just stares at the door, "Mr. Cooper?" the doctor says. "John." Korey says shaking his shoulder. "Huh, oh, what?" John asks. "The doc wants to make sure your okay." she tells him. "Oh.....I'm fine." he says staring at the door again. "Go ahead and check him out." she tells the doc. The doc begins making sure that John has no broken bones, none, good. Now he is checking for any really bad cuts or bruises. Korey comes over to me, "Is he okay?" I ask her a little worried. "Yeah, he's just really worried about Maria." she says. "We all are." Seth says coming over to us with Hilary. "I hope she'll be okay." Hilary says. "Um, Mrs. Cooper?" the doc says. Korey turns around and walks over to him and John. "Mrs. Cooper did you know about this?" the doc asks lifting up the back of John's shirt. Korey's eyes get big, "" she says softly. Seth and I look at each other, "He'll be okay, it's just that I wanted to make sure you knew." the doc says. Korey nods and the doc heads for the door, "I think you'll all be okay. If you need anything just find a nurse and they'll get me, okay?" "Yeah, thanks." Seth says and the doc leaves. "Is dad okay?" Alex and Xav ask. Seth, Hilary, and I look at Korey slightly curious as well as concerned. What's wrong with John?

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