Chapter 8~JEN!!~Korey's P.O.V.

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"John, John..." I whisper. It hurts to move, so I lay still. "It's gonna be okay Korey, you can pull through, you're strong." I hear Seth say. The door opens and a guy walks in, "They told me you were back Jenny, but I didn't believe it. You are back though, I told you, you can't escape here!" the man says laughing. Jen backs up against a wall, "Wha......what do you want?" Jen asks her voice shaking. "I'm here to throw you a welcome back party!" he says getting closer to her. I want to get up and punch him, but I can't move. Seth struggles to get up, the man walks over and pushes Seth down. The man goes Jen, he starts to kick her, punch her, and laugh at her. She falls to the ground, unconscious, and the man walks out of the room and shuts the door. "Jen!!" Seth says trying to get her to wake up. "Jen!!" I whisper, nothing. Blood starts spreading on the floor, Jen moves a little. Oh, no! A knife is lodged in her shoulder, "Jen!!" I whisper. Seth notices the knife, "JEN!!" he yells trying desperately to get to her, but doesn't make it. "Jen........." he says passing out. Now it really hurts, my best friends are dying, and my husband is probably dead, and there's nothing I can do about it!

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