Chapter 7~John's Turn~Seth's P.O.V.

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I open my eyes, Jen is by side crying. Korey and John are on my other side, he's trying to comfort Jen and Korey. "John, you're okay!" I say in pain. "Seth!" they all yell. "What happened? I mean I fell asleep on your shoulder, and when I woke up you were gone!" Jen says. "Did they take you next door?" John asks. "Yeah, they came in, made sure Jen and Korey were asleep, and then took me." I tell them. "What did they think about John?" Jen asks. "They thought he was dead." I tell them, Korey shutters at the thought. John puts his arm around her, "But I'm not." he says, Korey smiles. "How's your arm?" I ask John. "Oh, pretty good, it'll be perfect in a few days." he says. "Good." I say. The cell door swings open, "Hey Johnny boy, since your not dead it's your turn." the men say grabbing John. I try to stop them but I can't. Korey grabs one of their arms trying to get them to let John go, one of the men lets go. The guy starts punching and kicking Korey till she's on the ground half dead, "KOREY!" John screams. They take him away and shut the door. Jen runs to Korey, "Korey! Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" she asks her. "E.....every....where...." Korey says in pain. Jen begins to cry, along with Korey. "Seth...." Jen starts, I cut her off, "She'll be okay. Korey's strong, she'll be okay." I say trying to reassure Jen. But the truth is I don't know if she'll be okay, we'll just have to wait and see. Poor Korey, poor Jen, and poor John, I hope he'll be okay.

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