Chapter 45~Home~Jen's P.O.V.

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We get home and walk in the front door, "Well l, this is home!" Hilary says. "Wait. You all live here?" Maria asks. "Yep!" John says. "Welcome to the family!" Korey says. We show her around the house, "Wow! This place is huge!" Maria says. "Not really huge. But it is good size." I tell her. "And this is your room..." John says opening her bedroom door. "Wow! My own room?! And a closet?!!" Maria says excited. "Yep! And a bathroom!" Korey says. "All of this is mine!" Maria says overwhelmed with happiness. "Yep! And we're going shopping tomorrow!" we tell her. "Yay!!!!" she says giving John a hug. "Love you sis!" John says. "Love you too bro!" she says back. Awe!!! Cute!!!!!!

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