Chapter 42~The News~John's P.O.V.

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"Yes?" I say worried. The surgeon comes in and shuts the door. "Mr. Cooper your sister.." I cut him off, "Don't say it. Please." I say. "Mr. Cooper, your sister is very much alive." he says. I look at him, "Really?!" I say excited. "Yes. And you can see her now." he says. I can't believe it! SHE'S OKAY!!! "How is she?" Korey asks. "She's doing good. My guess is that she'll be out of here next week." he answers. Korey and I smile at each other, and then back at the surgeon, "Thank you." we say. He smiles, nods, and walks out of the room. "Well? What are we waiting for?" Seth says. "Yeah! Come on!" Jen says. We walk out of the room and head for Maria's room. Thank goodness she's okay!

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