Chapter 38~The Arrest~Korey's P.O.V.

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The boss freezes, "Drop the gun!!" the police demands. He drops the gun, and the police go and handcuff him. "Let's go." they say taking him away, I turn around, John and Seth are on different sides of the room. "JOHN!" I say running to him. "KOREY!" he says grabbing me in a hug. "SETH!" Hilary says running to Seth. "HILARY!" Seth says grabbing her in a hug as well. "DAD!" the kids say running up and joining our hug. John breaks the hug, smiles, and goes to Seth, "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah." Seth responds. "Seth you're bleeding!" Hilary says upset. " I'm okay, thanks to Maria." he says. "Where is Maria?" Jen asks.

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