Chapter 37~Rise in Revolution~ John's P.O.V.

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"What's going on?! Somebody get the lights back on!!" the boss yells mad. I feel someone messing with my chains, I try to look, but it's so dark I can't see a thing. I'm free, I stand still though, since I can't see. The lights flicker on and off, Seth is free too. "What?! How did you...." the boss is confused. Seth and I begin to go in different directions, a shot is fired. I get behind a barrel and look for Seth, he's behind a barrel on the other side of the room. The boss must have missed then, he begins firing. The lights go out again, and I hear somethings hit the ground. The lights begin flickering again, it's only the boss, Seth, and me in the room now. "WHAT?!" he's really confused now. The lights go back out, "FREEZE!!" I hear some people yell, and the lights go back on.

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