Chapter 16~What About the Kids~Korey's P.O.V.

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I open my eyes, I don't know how long we've been asleep. Everyone's still sleeping though, the only reason why I'm awake is because I had a nightmare. I shake John's shoulder, "Hmmm" he mumbles. His eyes open, and he looks around. "What's the matter?" he whispers. "I had a bad dream..." I whisper. "What was it about?" John asks. "The clan found Alex and Xavior.....and....they..." I begin to cry. "Shhh, it's okay." John says holding me tighter. He pets my hair, "They won't find them..." he whispers in my ear. "Are you sure?" I ask, he looks at me scared. "Oh, Kor, I don't know..." he says, "but try to get some sleep, okay?" "Okay..." I say, and I cry myself to sleep.

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