Chapter 18~Surprise!~John's P.O.V.

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I open my eyes, Jen's awake. "Morning" she whispers, trying not to wake up Korey and Seth. "Morning" I whisper back. "Did you sleep okay?" she asks. "Eh, okay I guess." I say remembering Korey's dream. "You?" I ask. "Eh", she replies shrugging her shoulders. Seth opens his eyes, and looks around, "Morning" Jen and I say in unison. "Morning!" Korey says sitting up. "Yeah...what she said." Seth says pointing at Korey. "I thought you were still asleep." I say to Korey. "Nope!" she replies kissing me. "Guys, I don't know about you, but I'm getting hungry." Seth whispers, I nod back. I'm getting hungry too, and the girls are probably starving by now. "I'm fine." Korey whispers, she looks at Jen. "Me too." Jen whispers. Seth and I look at each other confused, how are they not hungry? "We're used to not eating anything for weeks." they tell us. My eyes get real big. "Yeah, I know." Korey says to me. I can go without food for a couple of days, but weeks! The door opens, great! Now what?! We all stand up, and prepare ourselves for a fight. "Hello?" a soft whisper comes from the door. A girl appears, I can't believe my eyes!! She sees me, her jaw drops and her eyes get big. "John!" she says, running to me. "Maria!" I say holding her close. "I...I..." I start to say, "thought you were dead." she says finishing my sentence. I let go, she looks at Korey, "Maria?" Korey says surprised. They hug, "Korey, I missed you!" Maria says. They let go and Maria runs to Jen, "Jen!" she says. "Maria?" Jen says happy. They hug, and Maria runs to Seth, "Seth! You too!" she says. "Maria!" Seth says hugging her. "I missed you!" he says. "What are you all doing back here?! And....together?" Maria asks. "You know them?" we all say in unison, looking confused. "Yeah.." she says. How does she know them?!

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