Chapter 41~John's Back~Korey's P.O.V.

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"John..." I shake his shoulder, "huh?" he says. He looks at me, "Why...when.." I begin, tears brimming in my eyes. He stands up, "Kor, what's wrong?" he asks concerned. "Your...your...back." I say, a tear rolls down my cheek. He looks surprised, "I'm sorry Kor. I should've told you, many things were upsetting you, and I didn't want you to upset even more." he explains. "Does it hurt?" I ask. "Not anymore." he says, which means it did hurt, for a long time. "What's wrong with your back?" Jen asks. John looks at Seth who simply says, "same as mine." Jen looks surprised, "Really?" she asks, I nod. "I was gonna tell you, but I love you so much, I just can't stand making you upset." he says. Awe, that's my man for you. He hugs me, and I hug him right back, "I love you Kor." he whispers. "And I love you Doggy." I whisper back. There's a knock on the door and the surgeon walks in, "Mr. Cooper?" he says.

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